Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Soup

At Grandma's house on Sunday, Araceli had something good to eat for the first time since she got her braces on.  All week, Ari kept complaining that she couldn't chew.  I thought I was being sympathetic when I would say, "Aaaawww, that's too bad. You'll get used to it.  Here, have some raw carrots."  No, just kidding.  I tried, I really did.  I thought pizza would cheer her up, but she cried and cried, saying, "Ever since I got my braces on, you've made all my favorite foods that I can't chew!"  (This was approximately three hours after the braces went on, so you can tell Ari has a flair for the dramatic.)  A few times, I did make soup or something soft, but Ari was still unhappy.  I took her to get ice cream; I bought the "fun" yogurt and apple sauce. Nothing worked.

Sunday, as 35 people were filling their plates with Marlene's delicious tortillas, Ari whispered to Grandma, "Do you have anything I can chew?"  My first reaction was to reprimand Araceli for bothering Grandma with a special request when there were so many people to think about.  But I was too busy gobbling up my food to intervene.  Grandma dropped everything and took Ari downstairs to the storage room where Ari chose a very special can of Campbell's Broccoli Soup.  Grandma lovingly warmed the soup and mixed it with plenty of cheese.  She worried that Ari wouldn't like it, but she loved it, of course.

Today, Ari asked me if I could buy the soup that Grandma made.  I bought a big can of dry Broccoli Cheese soup and was whisking it on the stove while I answered text messages.  It boiled over.  Of course it did.  Soup likes to be noticed when it's boiling.  Ruby informed me, as I wiped soup off the stove, "That doesn't happen to Grandma."

I laughed and said, "Yeah, because Grandma probably doesn't try to text people while she boils soup."

Ruby answered, "True.  But she could."

Yes, Grandma is magical with food and comfort and love.  And as Xanthe pointed out after sleeping over at Grandma's last week, "Grandma is a good cooker.  She likes to cook every day."  Whereas Mama likes to cook whenever the crock pot is finally empty, is what Xanthe was trying to say.

I am thankful Grandma is such a nurturer, because I try, but I don't have the touch.  Thank you for all the ways you feed us, Grandma.  We love you!


Shane and Kenzie said...

I feel the same about my own mom... no matter how hard I try-my meals or crafts never seem to have that special touch that Mom's have! But that's the beauty about trial and error. We learn, we grow, we become...just like our mothers. You are an amazing mother Circe! If you ever need reminding, I'm one TEXT away :)

Jennie said...

Two great posts! What a wonderful gesture for your friend to make. Anyone with young kids and a busy schedule recognizes the saving grace of a meal they didn't have to prepare.

As for Grandma's care, we second that post! I wish I enjoyed cooking as much as she does. But, alas.... it isn't one of my gifts. :) I have others though - I think. :) Plus, I get snaps for my attempts to cook and to better that talent, right?

I also know what you mean about the empty crock pot. The other day, Alexis pulled out the leftover Tuscan Chicken from Ladies Lunch. Jackson saw her scoop out a serving and said, "Yes! Now we don't have to eat that for dinner." :)

sws said...

I love the image of you texting and your soup boiling over. See? Our lives are much more complicated these days...we have so much going on! And I didn't realize Campbells had a cheese and broccoli soup...hmmmm. poor Ari. Get well Soon!

love.boxes said...

We are lucky to have Grandmas that live so close. I don't know how you parent w/out all the help.

laurel said...

Grandma's are the best!!!!!! My grandmas are both gone. One died when I was 19, the other when I was 25. I still remember all the things they did that were extra special. Everything I make something from their recipes, I make sure to tell my family. I don't want it to get lost.

Kristi said...

Grandma's are just like that. :)