Saturday, December 29, 2012

Merry Little Christmas, Now

My dad planned a little outing today and invited anyone who wanted to go to join him.  Mom, Trajan and I jumped on the holiday bandwagon, while Scott stayed home with recovering kids.  (The post-Christmas plague hit our house, but we're on the mend, thanks to Pepto Nog.  I'M JUST KIDDING!)  Josh and Emily had prior plans, so it was a small group. 

It wasn't until we were standing in the lobby of the Joseph Smith Building that I realized that SEVENTEEN years ago tonight, in that very same spot, was our wedding dinner.  It was the most beautiful setting, the Nauvoo Room, with all of our favorite people and a delicious meal.  What a magical night!  I know it was a sacrifice for both sets of parents to fund a wedding, and especially at Christmastime.  But, parents, you have to admit, it was a pretty good investment...unless you hate grandchildren.  (And I have ample proof that you don't!)  Bruce and Marlene, thank you so much for giving us such a wonderful dinner.  And Mom and Dad, our wedding couldn't have been one bit more perfect.

I bet our parents just about died when we told them we wanted to get married in December.  There is already a holiday in December!  A big one that takes a lot of preparation!  I know we added loads more to everyone's to-do list that year, but I only remember the romance and excitement of being engaged to Scott at what is arguably the most romantic time of year.  To this day, many of the holiday Christmas tunes bring back those magical feelings.  Especially Winter Wonderland  "Later on, we'll we dream by the face unafraid the plans that we've made, walking in a winter wonderland."

Unafraid?  We would have been suicidally terrified had we known what was in store for us!  Ever since then every step of the way has been filled with wonder, winter and summer, but I'm sure we could not have wrapped our heads around the notion of seven kids back then.  In fact, we have footage of me in my wedding dress looking extremely bored and somewhat annoyed when Scott took a moment to toss a little cousin in the air.  Hello!  It was my day!  I was the bride!  A little less focus on the slobbery munchkin, please!
Oh, how the mighty have fallen.  Since then, hardly a day has gone by that someone hasn't slobbered on me, or worse.  Here I am, right in the same spot where I was thinking 17 years ago, "OK, enough with the kid."  Now I'm thinking, "I wish Scott were here...I hope Golda is safe in she having fun? she remembering her flute? is Ruby's knee? she too tired babysitting Es and Abe? her room warm enough? Ari feeling better?...did she get enough attention on Christmas?...did I ever get her new tights? can I make Freestone's room more comfy?...I've got to cut his hair!...did he charge his Kindle?...should I read more with Xanthe?...should she keep taking piano?...we have to have her eye checked again, but she's scared...should I worry about Ptolemy's naughtiness? he too skinny?...Did Tziporah go to sleep?...did she have her blanket?..."

Like Erma Bombeck said, having children is like having your heart walking around outside of your body.  Ain't that the truth!

And here are the two people who haven't been able to get rid of me for the past 41 years.  Just in the past month, I've broken their vacuum twice, sent sick kids to their house and cost them a small fortune in Christmas gifts for my large brood of offspring.  Well, parents, all I can say is, In the famous words of Abe, "You 'tarted it!"
Anyone recognize this iconic downtown restaurant?  Lamb's.  I got a job there when I moved back from Indiana, because my mom went to high school with the owner, John Speros.  I loved that job.  I bet my parents were thrilled, after putting me through four years of college, that I got a waitress job...because mom knew the guy.  Sad!  But I loved it, especially when Sarah Scheuller and some of my violin making school friends worked there with me.  Lamb's has changed ownership, but it still retains its charm.  Dinner was delicious, right down to the trademark mincemeat pie with butter rum sauce.  Thanks, Dad!
I have been reading my grandparents' journals, compiled by my Uncle Paul and given to everyone for Christmas, so I was able to be really annoying as we walked around downtown.  "This is where Opa's paper route was.  Look, you can see the Capitol Building where Opa and Nana met.  Up the hill is the McCune Mansion where Nana took violin, piano, voice and dancing.  Opa's mom cleaned office buildings around here."  I can really get on your nerves, even when I'm not clogging your vacuum with mismatched socks.

After Christmas really is the time to do the lights.  I thought it would be anticlimactic, but it was just peaceful.  And fun to experience it with Trajan and my parents.  In a way, it was fitting to commemorate the anniversary of the eve of my wedding without Scott.  It reminded me of how much I used to anticipate the time when we would be married and not have to say goodnight and part ways...ever.  Seventeen years into that delicious dream, I still love it.

Through the years, we all will be together, if the fates allow.
Hang a shining star upon the highest bough
And have yourself a merry little Christmas, now.

Now and always.


Jennie said...

When I first pulled up the page, I had to enlarge the picture of you to see if it was one from the wedding dinner or a current picture. You don't age! :) I remember the dinner and I remember how happy I was for you and for Scott. Such a great couple! Happy Anniversary you guys! You were smart to celebrate early. We'll be doing that next year. Right now we've scheduled January to celebrate our wedded bliss. December is too crazy! Love ya! Hope everyone is feeling better!

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary, beautiful memories of your wedding dinner and your wedding, glad we were there to share the magical moment!...and you have shared so many magical moments since!. May you continue to enjoy this beautiful day! and may enjoy at least as many as Big Gold and Big Bill..54 years! least that many!. You were both magical, beautiful and handsome on that special occasion. Many wonderful memories have come from your match made in Heaven!. Love you, Tricia xo

Michelle said...

Such a lovley post! I remember your lovely reception at your parent's house and how beautiful you were. They sure didn't seem to mind at the time. And besides chances are one of your kids will do the same to you! I think it is great you had that outing alone with them, we daughters should take time to do that more often!

Anonymous said...

P.S. Sorry for the mistakes, and wanted to say beautiful pictures!..

laurel said...

Happy anniversary! I can only imagine what your wedding was like. YOu do everything so wonderfully! I bet it was fantactic.

love.boxes said...

I'm so glad you posted this picture of Lamb's Circ because I told my family they had pretty turquoise and silver Christmas decor, but when we went (the day after Thanksgiving) it wasn't up yet. I think it's a great place for a family party and so glad you all went.
I love that pic of your parents.. cute!