Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Daniel Tiger

Ptolemy has a best friend.  His name is Daniel Tiger.  He believes that a friend is someone who just wants to play with you, no matter what.  A friend shares and tries new foods and washes his hands.

Daniel Tiger is the "person" who potty trained Ptolemy, and he did it by singing a song.  "When you have to go potty, STOP! and go right away...flush and wash and be on your way!"  That's all it took for Ptolemy to understand that it's worth it to follow Daniel Tiger's easy rules, instead of having accidents.  Often, I hear him singing the jingle to himself under his breath as he heads for the bathroom.  He also uses Daniel Tiger's advice for getting ready for bed, although I can't remember the exact song because we always change the words to suit our situation.  Sometimes it's "Jammies on, brush teeth, say prayers and go...to...sleep!"

He sings Daniel's other songs, too.  I was cutting up red and green peppers with Ptolemy, and we were talking about the dinner I was making.  Softly, he started singing, "You gotta try new foods 'cause they might be goo-ood."  He was obviously reticent about the peppers, and Daniel's song was reassuring him to be brave.

Another time, I was using the computer and Ptolemy said, "Mom, look at me.  Look at me in real life.  Can I play games on the computer? I can take a turn, then you'll get it back!" 

He was singing Daniel Tiger's sharing song, and it worked.  I gave him a turn on the computer, just out of admiration that he came up with a solution.  OK, so he didn't come up with it on his own, but he listened to Daniel Tiger, remembered the song and used it in the right setting to ask for a compromise.  Any TV show that can get those kinds of results is doing something right!  I'm not surprised that Fred Rogers' puppet creation, in taking on a life of his own, has struck such a chord with children.  Mr. Rogers was my friend when I was a little girl.  We used our imaginations together to such an extent that I really believed that Trolley was going somewhere.  I believed King Friday really lived in that castle, and I longed to see the inside of it.  At the end of each episode, I was always disappointed that our adventure had come to an end, Mr. Rogers and I.  He always promised me that he would be back when the day was new.

"...And I'll have more ideas for you.  You'll have things you'll want to talk about.  I...will...too."
Mr. Rogers loved me, just like Daniel Tiger loves Ptolemy.

Thanks, friends!


Shane and Kenzie said...

Cole's favorite cartoon is Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood, and I'm perfectly fine with him watching it! Not only do I agree with the subjects it teaches, I quite enjoy listening to the little songs myself. I hope the show has as big of an effect on Cole as it has Ptolemy!

michelle said...

Love Mr. Rogers. I think he would be happy with the new generation Daniel. We loved Mr. R at our house too. My mom sang his songs to us so many times I had forgotten they didn't originate with her. "I'm proud of you! I'm proud of you! And I hope that you are proud of you too!"

Anonymous said...

Loved Mr. Rogers, watched him all the time and sang all his songs. This took me back in time, I almost cried thinking of Mr. Rogers and all his songs because it seems like a long time ago, but Mr. "R" will always remain in our memories and heart. " Won't ya, won
won't ya, wont't ya be my friend!" xo Tricia

Anonymous said...

oops, should have been won't you be my neighbor! But friend sounded good! works too. Either way, love Mr. Rogers! xo Tricia

laurel said...

I loved Mr. Rogers. My kid's really don't even know who he is. So sad.