Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Beauty and the Beast

 Beauty and the Beast is going to be a great production!  This Thursday, Friday and Saturday night, and a matinee on Saturday, Browning Center's Allred Theater at Weber State.  Buy tickets at the door.  Pleeeeeez come.  You'll love it!
The "siskins" and a fork. :)

Ari and Ellison, friends since (before) birth, as villagers.

Golda, the sorceress.
Golda the sorceress after her transformation.

That's Ruby there in the center of the wolf pack.  She must be the alpha wolf. ;)  Golda, Ruby and Lexie are also napkins, and dancers in the tavern scene.  It is so fun to watch them all, and to know so many of their friends who are in the production.  Jana Dearden does a great job putting on a production.  She is all business, cuts to the chase, and gets these things done with fewer rehearsals than is humanly possible.  That said, these plays take a TON of time.  Opening night tomorrow is when we all switch our train of thought from, "I will never do another play" to, "I can't wait to see what the play is going to be for next year."  It's a sickness.  It really is.  It's just so thrilling to be part of a "play family."  I'm sure some of the girls will shed a tear or two when it's all over.  There will be a void in their lives, and they'll miss their production friends, but I know a pool that is calling our names!

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