Monday, November 3, 2014

Phase Two

I am really good at that first part of a diet.  You know, that part where you say to yourself, "I'd better eat this so it's not here tempting me when I start my diet tomorrow."  And, "I have to eat all the junk I can today, so that I'll be really, really motivated tomorrow...when I start my diet."

Yes, I have that part of the process down pat, after years of honing.  Today is the "Tomorrow" of lore, that mythical day when the elusive "diet" starts.  Yesterday night, I had bread and lasagne and ice cream and donuts for dinner at the first of Araceli's birthday celebrations.  (Thanks, Mom and Dad!)  Then I ate all the Halloween candy I could, until none of it looked good anymore.  I woke up feeling slightly queasy.  Good.

Now I'm moving on to Phase Two of the diet, the part where I actually diet.  No sugar, no carbs.  Mostly almond butter, apples, eggs, cheese, maybe bacon, and a whole lot of vegetables.  I have found that it works.  I'm giving myself a week to do this because I don't think I have two weeks in me.  I just need to recenter before the next holiday hits.  I just need to prove to myself that self-control is still a thing in my world.  Here's hoping!


The homestead said...

You can do it!! Get an accountability partner- someone you're scared of and text them every night telling them how you did. Good luck on the week. The other thing to try is drinking a gallon of water a day(diet coke doesn't count ;)). You will pee like crazy but it does wonders!

Lisa and Tate said...

I am really really good at phase one. Not so much for phase two. I was starting today but caved into David's pizza for dinner.