Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving Perfection

 Bill's turkey was deliciously juicy, perfectly cooked and gorgeous!  Coco's stuffing...yum!
 Ruby barely had to lift a finger.  Her assistant did all the work.
 Cavity stuffed with tangerines and oranges
 Bill gave a toast with the famous Coke Nog that accompanies every special event. 

 Ptolemy was viciously attacked by a glass Christmas tree ornament that exploded when he squeezed it.  He had shards of glass all over his face, hair and sweater.  His face was cut and bleeding on both cheeks.  Freestone ran and got some band-aids to patch him up with and he was fine, except that he hated the band-aids.  I'm so thankful he didn't get a shard of glass in his eye!
 Free showing off his art
 Coke Nog ingredients
 These are the exact same outfits my parents wore at my wedding.  A man like Felshaw not only owns a tux, but wears it.  And looks good!
 Abram and PT...screaming buddies!
 Xanthe and Esmae...always so happy to see each other.

If Thanksgiving success is measured by how much food you eat, I think we had a smashing success.  The chow mein was a hit, and will become a tradition; a fun little nod to Xanthe's heritage.  The orange jello was pronounced perfect by Bill.  Trajan, whose orders were to bring a chocolate or a pecan pie, brought a chocolate pecan pie.  I mean, how can you beat perfection?

I would love to wax philosophical about gratitude and life, but I'm too full of delicious food.  And I have to save my strength to eat more.  Thanksgiving is not for wimps!


Catherine said...

Happy Thanksgiving! What a wonderful day of celebration! Yummy too!!

Your parents look awesome!!!

So thankful PT wasn't hurt by the glass ball. Poor little love.

Happy T'Day!

Jennie said...

I'm glad you guys had a fun day. I'm sure an offical King Thanksgiving was long overdue. That turkey looked so yummy. I've never heard of stuffing it with citrus. What a great idea. I bet it was delicious. Next time it is a King rotation, you'll have to save us a taste test. :)

Michelle said...

I love your parents. Your dad makes me think every man should own a tux so they could all look so great! Glad it was a perfect day!

laurel said...

Wow. I didn't have a guy in a tux at my dinner? What is up?

Glad you had a great day!