Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Life Prep 101

 Tziporah is feeling better now, but for a couple of days, she looked like she was playing the part of Baby Cosette the street urchin in Les Miz.  She was still just as curious and active, her exploring was just interrupted by doses of Tylenol and long naps.  After one nap, Tziporah was covered in Oreo crumbs, with a runny nose, messy hair and red cheeks.  I said, "I'm taking Tizzy to her audition for the part of street urchin."  Golda, only half paying attention, said, "Tizzy gets to go to an audition?!"
 Golda hasn't been to any auditions lately because she's been playing the part of an overworked high school sophomore.  It was late one night when Golda was complaining about homework, Scott was watching TV and I was reading.  Scott tried to convince Golda that her life is easier now than it will ever be in the future.  I said, "Is that why we're doing whatever we want and Golda still has two hours of homework left?"  There's no doubt about it, Golda works longer hours than the rest of us.  But it paid off!  She got a 4.0!  It was exciting when that one "minus" disappeared from her A in English.  When we saw it on the computer, everyone cheered!
 Golda, when you're an adult and out of school, you can fill your time with things you like, things that enrich your life, things that are and relevant to your goals.  No time spent studying is ever wasted, though, and all the things you learn become part of who you are.  In a sense, all the studying you're doing now, whether it's a subject you care about or not, is central to your plan.  Judging by how hard you work, you get that.  You can't get where you're going without the grades, and you can't be the person you hope to be without the knowledge.  You are becoming a person with depth and richness, and I hate to say it, but Biology and Algebra are contributing to that.  Keep up the good work!  We're so proud of you and so amazed!

There will always be life's chores to contend with, sure, but as you're rocking a sick baby, preparing for a job interview, fulfilling a church calling, helping a friend or cleaning your house, you'll always be thankful you're not annotating Oedipus Rex instead.  Am I right?


Anonymous said...

Way to go Golda!!!!..A 4.0!..exciting and wonderful, especially with all the other activities you have on your plate!. Proud of you, keep up the good work! pays off, even maybe if at the time, you don't think so, when you are bleary eyed, tired and frustrated! the end and all through life, hard work and stick-to-itness pays off, persevere and onward in all things. Proud of you, and all of you!..each one of your are exceptional!..xo Tricia

Catherine said...

So, so true! Kiddos sure do work hard in their teenage years but it does pay off in the future. I saw that last night too when I was going home to put Hannah to bed and then 'chill' yet my niece still had hours of homework to do. I don't envy these kids!

Tziporah looks adorable all set for her street urchin 'audition'. Heh!

PS - I caught that one point. Any time you want to help me clean my house just let me know and I'll be at the airport faster than you can blink! :o)