Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Blue Man Group vs. Tziporah

Once I saw the Blue Man Group in New York. It was exciting! They splattered paint, they threw rolls and rolls of toilet paper, they made insane amounts of noise.

They would have been terrified of Tziporah. She could easily out-Blue Man the Blue Man Group, with or without the face paint. Give her ten seconds in a room and she will: 1. Find and destroy an electronic device 2. Spill any concealed liquids or 3. Lob a remote into a toilet, which effectively accomplishes both and still leaves her with five seconds to find an old piece of candy, get an expensive piece of furniture sticky and then choke on the candy.
 "Sooooo...I'm wearing this blue stuff on my face?  For reals?  Oh, you're gonna pay for this."
 See, everyone is wearing blue sunscreen.

"Ammo!  Whose face can I throw this at?"
 I look adorable, but I'm about to destroy a whole bag of cookies, a hoodie and Ruby's Kindle, all in the blink of an eye.  And then I'll bolt for the border."

 "Naa naa boo boo!  Seagulls can't catch me!"
 "Ocean, stay back!  I'm playing here!"

 "Oh, did you want to boogie board in my ocean?  What do I get out of it?"
"Yeah, you WERE sitting in this chair, but now I AM.  Do you have a problem with that?"
 Blue Man Tizzy.  The BMG thought they were so cutting edge.  I bet they never gave themselves nosebleeds by purposely face-planting in the hot tub.  Nobody rocks blue eyebrows and a bloody nose like Tizzy Lizzy.
"Oh, you're no match for me.  I have things up my sleeve you've never even thought of.  Alright, I'm naked and I don't have any sleeves, but you get the idea.  Keep me from plunging into the ocean one more time and I will destroy you!  Mwa ha ha ha ha!"

Tizzy is so crazy, there is even a scary movie coming out with her as the star.  Check this out!


michelle said...

I feel really bad laughing at that little face with the blue eyebrows and bloody nose but her mama is just too funny!

Anonymous said...

I feel bad for the blood nose@..but yet in the midst of it all, I feel she is still having a great time! and all the while thinking what she can do next! So cute, what is with the blue sun tan lotion? Something new? Looks like having fun even, never a dull moment..that is what makes vacations memorable. Have fun!.xo Tricia

Catherine said...

Should I feel bad for laughing? Poor Tizzy but oye - she is a one baby destruction machine! I'm already forgetting those days. She sure is a cutie though! Going to check out her video once home.