Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Multi-Racial Cheerios

I am so mad, so angry at the world right now, because of THIS ARTICLE.  It says that Cheerios is getting criticism for a commercial featuring a multi-racial family.  WTHeck? It's 2013, not 1950.  Can we still just not accept the fact that all of us are created in God's image?  You think somehow that you're going to get to heaven and there will be a ghetto?  A certain neighborhood of the Kingdom reserved for certain races?  I don't think so!  I just don't get it.

A friend of mine posted the Cheerios article on Facebook and someone commented, "The color of a person's skin simply shouldn't matter."

And then I got even angrier.  My comment was this:  "Don't even get me started. The color of a person's skin DOES matter. My Chinese daughter has beautiful, dark skin, skin which represents where she came from and who she is inside. Her skin is beautiful and it matters, and I will not pretend it's the same as mine. Multi-racial family? A non-issue. Get with the times, people! I'm gonna go buy me some Cheerios in solidarity."

I guess the world is full of idiots.  FULL of idiots.  Is Xanthe really going to have to put up with this crap when she dates?  Or any of our kids, for that matter.  The color of your skin matters, and should be acknowledged and celebrated, yes.  To say that it "doesn't matter" is to say that "it's OK that you're not white."  Ugh!  To say it doesn't matter is to say "Who you are doesn't matter."  I wouldn't like someone to say to me, "It doesn't matter that your ancestors were Dutch and English."  Yes, it matters to me.  I am proud of my heritage.

So skin color matters.  But it certainly doesn't determine who should be in a family together!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Just when you think that our society has progressed to a higher plane, the morons come out of the woodwork and publish their stupidity all over the internet. It's a little disheartening.