Wednesday, November 6, 2013


 When I got home from Ari's birthday weekend at the Ranch, I found a note Xanthe had written to me.  It said, "Can I do what Ari did and go to Zupas and the ranch?  I love you.  You are the best mom ever!"  That kind of argument is tough to oppose.  Xanthe doesn't get quite as many opportunities as some of the other kids, and I thought it was high time she had her moment, which turned out to be Tuesday night.  The prospect of a trip to the ranch made all of our after-school homework, chores and practicing fly by very efficiently!  When it was time to go, Xanthe shyly said, "I wouldn't want to leave my baby brother home!"

So I ended up with two little ones snuggled up in the back seat watching Rise of the Guardians under Xanthe's special panda blankets.  For my part, driving is pure relaxation, especially when it's so tranquil in the rearview mirror!
 First stop:  Zupas, just like Ari.  It was definitely winter in the mountains, but we still tooled around the outlets a little bit, sampling hand sanitizers and buying Ptolemy some new pajamas.
 Our quiet evening was just what the doctor ordered.  At least it was what I would order if I were a doctor:  Warm fire, fuzzy socks, pumpkin chocolate ice cream, sweet, precious babes, storybooks and lots of quilts.

 On the way home in the pink-tinged early morning, I thought about Rise of the Guardians.  The protagonist must find his "center," or what it is that is most important to him, that he contributes to the world.  I wondered, "What is my center?"  I thought it would be easy to identify.  Nope.  I still don't know.  I saw a personality test of Facebook awhile back that asked you to choose the picture of a tree that you most identified with.  The tree I chose said, among other things, that I was "in harmony with the universe."  I like that, and I would like to believe that my center is harmony.  My parents are both peacemakers, and I grew up in the environment that they created out of their desire for harmony.  My favorite thing is when my children are nice to each other and our home is calm.  My least favorite thing is when something in my marriage or other relationships is off-center.

I certainly felt in harmony with the universe this morning, driving in the sleepy, snowy mountains with my happy children, having accomplished something that I felt Xanthe needed.  With that, I felt gratitude.  You can't truly have harmony without gratitude, because if you're not grateful, you're not in harmony with the universe, so to speak.  Today, as mystical and palm-reader-ish as it sounds, it's all consonance.  The music of the spheres is in tune.  :)

What's your center?


Anonymous said...

What a special time with two of your little ones and so special of you to recognize Xanthe's need to be special and do what Ari did. Such cute pictures! and a great blog, enjoyed it so. I thought how special of Xanthe to want to include her little brother, sounds like a perfect evening for the three of you and a beautiful sunrise drive home. All was good! xo Tricia

laurel said...

What a great idea. I think it is so important to make each child feel special.

Shane and Kenzie said...

I love that you help each of your children feel loved individually. I hope that I am able to give that same gift to each of my children!
As for a center? ugh...tough, very tough question. I think I might say passion...passion for ideas and activities that I set my mind to. I have never been one to complete any type of task half-heartedly - which is probably why my anxiety is through the roof. (good thing they have medication to help passion-centered individuals such as myself). ;)