Monday, December 20, 2010

Arietta Variations

Did you know David Archuleta was singing with the Tabernacle Choir on Friday?  You did?  Well, I didn't, so I decided to take Ruby on a little date to Temple Square before her guitar recital.  Nightmare!  We were going to park in ten-minute parking in front of the Church History Museum, but it took us 15 minutes to drive 5 blocks, and there were no parking places of any kind to be found anywhere.  We made it across the Archuleta Zone to Trajans's condo where Ruby and I wished him a Happy Birthday and snapped a few "Official Temple Square" pictures standing in the road in front of the car.  See the pretty lights?  Ha ha.

Next stop, the gas station, where I discovered I hadn't brought my wallet.  The car was running on fumes, so Ruby and I scraped up one dollar in change.  One.  The gas station guy gave me an extra ten cents of gas.  Merry Christmas!  Once we got to the recital, we had a nice time.  In keeping with the "running out of gas" theme, I ran out of memory on the camera halfway through Ruby's Arietta Variations, but she did a great job.  We brought rolls, butter and gingerbread cookies to contribute to the beautiful spread of food Jude had prepared.  I love how she uses all glassware instead of paper products.  It lends a special quality to the event, and makes you feel like you're saving the planet.  I try to follow her example as often as I can, especially at Christmas.  I love my Christmas china and I use it every day during the holidays.

Great job on the recital, Ruby!  Afterwards, Scott and I went out for yogurt and brought some home for the girls - Golda, Ruby and Lexie, who were having a holiday sleepover.  By the end of the night, I was the one running out of gas!  It can happen this time of year!  :)

1 comment:

laurel said...

Sorry, but I had to chuckle at your bad luck. I hate it when you have a day or evening like that. It all seems to run together! NEver does one bad thing come by itself. THey come in clusters!

Glad you made it to your event. At least it is more memorable.