Monday, December 20, 2010

Happy in a Million Ways

Oh! There’s no place like home for the holidays,
‘Cause no matter how far away you roam,
If you want to be happy in a million ways,
For the holidays you can’t beat home sweet home!

                                                      -Perry Como

You know what's even better than being home?  Being home alone!  Scott took the Bigs to dinner and a movie.  With Xanthe and Ptolemy nestled all snug in their beds, there are so many things I like best about my home for the holidays...

 Christmas china
 Freestone's school work carefully displayed on the tree.  This one especially melts my heart, since it says "This Christmas I will give the gift of love.  Cette annee je donnerai comme cadeau de l'amour."'s so precious in French!
 Somebody can't resist!
 Little wooden shoes and a poinsettia from our nice neighbors
 My very favorite wall, adorned with pictures and cards from the people we love.  I absolutely love getting Christmas cards and settling in to read them before arranging them on the wall.
 What is this?  I love when the kids put random items on the tree.
 Tonight, as a celebration of my delicious solitude, I extravagantly opened the jar of jam Aunt Rita gave me.  The jam was divine!
 I love the extra table.  It's a promise of celebrations just around the corner and a sweet reminder of those of the recent past.  With my mom's plaid tablecloth on it, the table is even a reminder of holidays of the more distant past, and I love that.
I gave Santa's elves a little run for their money for a little while there, taking advantage of the empty house.  Sewing with kids is fun, but it's also fun when you can finish a project without somebody breaking a needle!
And probably my favorite part about being home alone...getting to my little pile of reading materials before 10 pm.  Talk about heavenly peace!  Home sweet home!

1 comment:

laurel said...

Love all your Christmas things....but most of all I love alone time. You lucky duck. You must have been a very good girl this year to get that!