Monday, September 19, 2011

Information Systems

I finally figured it out.  Xanthe is not ruthlessly annoying.  She's detail-oriented!  Every conversation we have takes ten times as long as a normal conversation.  This is what I would like an interaction to be like with Xanthe:

Xanthe:  "Why did you give me two cookies?"
Me:  "Because you're so special."
Xanthe:  Smiles and eats the cookies.

That never happens.  Instead, this happens:

Xanthe:  "Mom, why did you give me two cookies?"
Me:  "Because you're so special."
"Did the other kids get two?"
"Um, I don't know.  They're not home.  No?"
"Why didn't they get two?"
"Maybe they will."
"When they get home."
"Then can I have more when they get theirs?"
"You're eating yours now."
"But I want more!"
"We'll talk about it later."
"Why did I get two again?"
"Because you're so special," I say through gritted teeth.
"Why am I so special?"

Just as I'm about to scream, "You're NOT, OK?  You're not special, you're driving me nuts!  Just eat the freakin' cookies and smile," she does just that.  Just in the nick of time, Xanthe has reached some magic threshold of information acquisition and feels like she can now move on with her life and eat her two cookies.  I finally figured out that Xanthe isn't trying to slowly disintegrate my brain with her questioning.  It's in the details for this kid.  Too many times, I dismiss her questions with, "Just go.  Just do it.  Just because."  But seriously, who do you know that has the patience to answer thirty-eight questions about bedtime and why it's time to go to bed?  Xanthe, you go to bed every night!  You've done it thousands of times!  There are no surprises here!  It's not like there's suddenly going to be a new reason why humans need sleep!

She's just checking, I guess.  Because if there ever is a new reason why humans need sleep, Xanthe wants to be the first one to have all the information and complete all the worksheets about it.  Come to think of it, there is a new reason why some humans need sleep.  It's called XANTHE!  Good thing she's worth losing sleep over.


Liza said...

Oh how I've had those conversations!!! PAINFUL!!! Very funny to look back on....but absolutely painful in the moment! My sisters and I ran into Scott the other day up in Park City and he told us your big news!!! Circe you AMAZE me!! Truly AMAZE me! Congratulations!

Kristi said...

I remember those conversations. In fact there are a few kids in my primary class that have nailed this conversation style. It's cute in small doses, no?

Nate said...

Very funny and close to home! Good thing she is worth everything:)

laurel said...

We have those here too. With one that is 5 and with one that has OCD. I do better with the 5 year old cause I know she will out grow it.

Hang in there.

Michelle said...

Hysterical! Poor mom! Why is it I feel like have less patience the older these kids get?

Catherine said...

The little guy at Hannah's daycare is like that and now it's oh so quiet at drop-off when he's in school. Thankfully at pick-up he's there and we can enjoy a conversation. It can be tiring though for sure! Ugh!! Bless his new kindergarten teacher!

Eliza2006 said...

Oh, boy, my Sol is in the "why" phase. My lovely and kind answer is always, "why not". How do people have more than 2 children! You are headed for sainthood!