Monday, October 17, 2011


If you've tried to approach our front door lately, you know that we have a sprawling pumpkin patch that has taken over our front yard.  It's unsightly and messy, but it's been fun to watch over the summer and fall.  At first when the little green sprouts popped up, we didn't know what they were because we didn't plant anything.  We watched with interest as they took over the flowers that I so carefully planned and planted.  I had a color scheme and everything, and orange wasn't part of it.  Just so you know, if you leave a pumpkin to rot in your flower bed all winter, it doesn't matter what you plant.  What you'll get is a pumpkin patch.  And one crookneck squash, which I don't understand, but there are such things as mysteries of the universe.

When we harvest the pumpkins and display them on our front porch, it will be a proud moment for Freestone, whe has been in charge of watering them, and for Tolly, who has been in charge of watching them grow, as in "I go see a fumpkins" whenever he wants to go outside.  Farmer Tolly likes to peek under the vines and leaves and spot each big, round, orange orb.  He squeals for each one, "I see a fumpkin!  I see a other one fumpkin."  Cheap entertainment, folks.  Try it this winter!


Plumptom said...

I think that is cool. We had a plant come up in our rose bushes. It ended up beng a cantelope. We had about 8 on there. The dog, however, ended up picking them before they were ready. I tried to hide them and everything, but he out smarted me.

Post pictures of your front porch when you pick your pumpkins.

laurel said...

THe plumptom comment was me, Laurel. Austin was home for the weekend!

Catherine said...

Those are the cutest little Fumpkins evah!!

PS - Do you mind sending me your email addy Circe? Thx!

The homestead said...

We have had a couple of volunteers too. It's funny, if you had actually tried you would have not been nearly this successful.

Nate said...

I love your method for growing fumpkins. A crookneck squash??? That is amazing from one rotting pumpkin:)

Michelle said...

Totally worth having front yard pumpkins just to hear that Tolly!