Thursday, October 13, 2011


I had a nice surprise when I opened my mailbox today:  A cute little box that said, "LIVE TADPOLE OR FROGLET.  DO NOT PLACE IN MAILBOX!"  With unemployment so high, how come my mail carrier can't read?  He's the best the USPS could find?  Anyway...a live froglet!  Or tadpole!  I'm not sure what the difference is, but we've been waiting for one or the other since Freestone's birthday in June.  It was a kit where you pay way too much for the aquarium and the hope that a tadpole will someday arrive in the mail, just because you sent a flimsy postcard to an address in the Florida Everglades requesting one.  The whole thing reeked of a scam, yet here was the promised froglet!  In our mailbox!  Hopefully, still alive.

Yep, he was alive and adorable in his little bubble of water.  I put him in his habitat to let him stretch out and left him on the counter.  When Freestone got home from school, he walked right by the froglet and did a double take.  he backed up and peered into the water, a slow smile spreading across his face.  It came!  The froglet (tadpole?) came!  Upon reading the instructions, we discovered that you are not supposed to move the habitat once the froglet is in it.  Why?  I don't know.  We don't want to upset Tad, though, do we?  So we have a froglet living on our countertop where we eat and do homework.  We're supposed to let the water get dirty, so that will be fun.  It is interesting;  I've never watched anything grow legs before.  Ruby said the froglet reminded her of the Primary song, "I hope they call me on a mission...When I have grown a foot or two."  All Tad needs are a couple of legs and he's good to go!


Catherine said...

What fun!!

Made me laugh though that you can't move froglet/tadpole once it's in it's environment....even though he/she was just shipped from FL to UT! Heh! Guess that's why I only have dust bunnies for pets!

Jennie said...

Wow! This is going to be fun. You'll have to hook us up with the address - although I'm sure google could provide it. Hope you guys are enjoying day #1. We already miss you!

Michelle said...

Love Ruby's response! Hope he lives a long life!

Kristi said...

Reading this post yesterday triggered me to dream that we ordered an alligator by mail. It came in a giant rubbermaid container, and was about 3 feet long. Too funny!