Saturday, January 5, 2013

Let Me Show You the Door

Because the Deming adoption thing was posted of Facebook, I have had a lot of new visitors to my blog.  Thanks for coming, and thanks for commenting.  I love the sense of community that happens when you respond to what I write.

But let me make things clear.  The "anonymous" option is for my relatives who can't remember how to log into Google.  My blog is not a political forum.  I mostly keep my political opinions to myself because I DON'T WANT TO HEAR YOURS.  Take some time to read through my blog and get a sense of what it is about.  Notice the tone.  Light, funny, positive, honest.  Then, if you're smart, you will realize and respect the fact that this blog is not an appropriate place for you to vent your snarky, mean-spirited, politically motivated or ignorant views.  Do not come to my house to vomit.

There are plenty of places on the internet that welcome political vitriol.  Go there.  Good-bye.  And as my dad would say, don't let the door hit you in the @$$ on the way out.


Catherine said...

Ugh!! People and their nastiness!

My motto: My blog. My delete key.

Sorry you had such awful comments left that you had to read.

Buh bye unwanted comments!

Jennie said...

I'm LOL'ing in the office as I read this post. I really should be working on my RS lesson, but I keep finding all sorts of things to distract me. Shiny! I love the way you say just the right thing. Nice but with a touch of sass so people know what you are REALLY saying. :) Love ya. I can't wait to hear what people wrote. Some people are so clueless and not in a charming, designer, Alicia Silverstone kind of way.

michelle said...

Aaah! Did I miss the snarkiness? I'm with Jennie, way to be to the point. Oh and I want to know what they were too!

Ernstfamilyfun said...

LOL i love your spunk! Way to lay down the law! So nice, but don't let people push your buttons. It reminds me of Nana- I was with her once as a child and we were walking around temple square. One of those Anti's were passing out literature and when he approached us, she very angrily said, "DON'T talk to us!!"

Anonymous said...

Circe,Rita here! I feel terrible someone would want to say some thing mean, hurtful or spiteful to you (or anyone for that matter!). You are one of the most wonderful people I know! Your life is full of good works, optimism, and humor. I look forward to reading your blog everyday. It makes me smile, cry, laugh and forces me to think. Thank you for sharing your life and precious family with us. You are a great example to us all!

Anonymous said...

Sorry you have had to be the sounding board, it sounds like anyway, of some nastiness from people who are probably unhappy with their lives to begin with. I agree with your dad. Let go of the nastiness and take happiness in the beauty of your story of the adoption. Do not let these people ruin it for you or for those of us who share your joy and the joy of the new family. If we let people ruin it for us, we suffer, and they just go on their way not understanding or knowing they have unleashed negative thoughts. A speaker told me once if you let that person interrupt your happiness or good feeling, then they have power over you, we will not let them. Enjoy the beauty of this adoption and the new family. I am, I have thought many times, how a miracle has happened again and a little boy placed where Heavenly Father wants him to be. Love you for your efforts. XO Tricia (one of those who cannot remember..sorry this is so long!.)