Sunday, January 13, 2013


I said to Ptolemy, "Let's put the Play-Doh away, shall we?"
He scowled, "No.  And don't call me Shallwee."

Well, that's all I got today.  Either Blogger is being weird or else I am having a brain freeze.  The button you click to upload pictures isn't there anymore.  Instead, it says, "you can upload jpeg...etc"  So I am very unsettled this morning because my plans aren't workning.  I was going to show you pictures of Shallwee's new polar bear room.  BOO HOO!  We are so dependent on technology, it really throws us off when it's not there for us.  Sometimes I think I'm too glued to my phone and the computer too much.  I pulled up an article about moms using their phones too much to check email, etc., while ignoring their kids.  I was going to read it and I bookmarked it on my phone, but I haven't had time with all the kids following me around like I'm the Pied Piper.  So I guess that's my answer.  If I can't seem to get to an article about how moms are on the internet too much, I guess I'm not on the internet too much.  Phew!  I don't know why I wanted to read that article anyway.  I'm doing a great job as a mom.  Hey world, throw us moms a bone, why don't you?  If we want to check our email while the kids are eating Play-doh, so be it. 

And when I do use technology, I sure wish it would work as well and efficiently as I do.  I guess we'll keep the Play-doh out, huh, Shallwee?

1 comment:

Ernstfamilyfun said...

LOL I love it. And you are doing a great job as a mother!