Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Overheard at Homework Time

But somebody stole my mechanical pencil!

Freestone, you can't use google translate to translate bad French spelling to good French spelling.

But Mom, I can't concentrate!  Tizzy's on the counter!

I'm realllllly hungry.

I can't find it.

What do you mean?

You still have three more pages?!

This is due tomorrow?  When...why...OK.  Let me get a drink and then we'll start.

That's enough for today.  We've done enough.  (And that's how our family stays sane.)

1 comment:

Bethany said...

What happened to the post about Ari's toe? It was in my reader but I don't see it here. I had to comment about the leech comment. My 3 year old amputated the end of his thumb 6 weeks ago. They reattached it and did leech therapy for 10 days! So leech therapy is alive and well. But yeah, I know what you mean about using modern medicine and not wanting to waste your time at the doc office!
(I'm a weirdo who reads your blog even though I don't know you personally. I commented once before. I lived on Cambridge road when I was 13-15 and was in your ward and your mom was my English teacher.