Saturday, February 8, 2014

Golda Week

 It was Golda week at our house this week, meaning that all her activities freakishly intensified at the same time, resulting in All-Golda, All-The-Time Week.  I'm kidding.  All the other kids were still their wild and crazy selves with their wild and crazy schedules, but it was all overlayed with this Golda verneer, and as exhausted as she probably is right now, it was a fun week.

 Tuesday night, Dance Company performed at the basketball game half-time.  They did a hip-hop routine which was a lot of fun to watch because it's rare we get to see Golda dance that style.  It was awesome!
 Every day after school, Dance Company had workshops with dancers from Ririe-Woodbury.  Golda loved it.  But then there was practicing at midnight and homework at 6 am.  That's the price you pay for having a dozen dance classes a week!

Wednesday night was the Wind Ensemble concert where we got to hear the program they had prepared for a performance in St. George Friday.  It was a fabulous concert, and I got to sit through almost the whole thing alone, no kids, admiring my little "flautist."
 Thursday night, I got to take all these dancers to the dress rehearsal of Ballet West Sleeping Beauty.  As magical as it was, you can see Golda's impatience in this picture.  She still had tons of homework, and we were leaving for St. George at 6 the next morning.
 When  Mr. Hendricks announced that the wind ensemble had gotten this gig to play at the Utah Music Educators convention, back in October, I went to write it on my calendar and there was "Dance Company State Festival."  Of course they were at the same time!  Fortunately, it worked out perfectly so that I could drive Golda down and back for the wind ensemble Friday and she would still be home for the 5:30 am departure Saturday for the Dance Company thing.  She missed band clinics and a hike in Zion's Saturday, but our plan worked on a number of levels:  she didn't have to take a hit to either of her grades by missing a performance and I got to not only see the band performance, but have an excuse for a little road trip.  I'm more selfish than I look. :)  (Another band kid flew home after the performance for a robotics tournament!)
This is me waiting for Golda in the driveway at 6, after staying at book club until after midnight and then being woken up every hour by Tziporah, who suddenly wanted to check to make sure I wasn't in "New Nork!"
 Ptolemy forgot his Kindle, so he spent two hours in the car making different shapes with this toy and taking pictures of them.  Have I mentioned that he is the easiest kid ever?  Golda would add to that, "Except when he doesn't get what he wants."  To which I would counter, "How would we know what that would be like!?"
 We left at 6 am with Ptolemy smuggled into the back seat.  The kid loves "twips" and I love him, so I couldn't leave him behind.  We whizzed past the band busses somewhere along the interstate and got to St. George by 11, in time to tour the temple visitors' center and Brigham Young's summer home before dropping off Golda at the band's hotel to head to their rehearsal.
 Meanwhile, my little sidekick and I strolled along St. George Boulevard, collecting rocks and stopping for treats.
After polishing off his fro-yo, Ptolemy sighed and said, "Well.  This is a fun twip!"  It totally was.
 Next stop:  the convention.  Lots of booths were set up and Ptolemy was given a key chain and a pen.  WOW!!!!  He was so excited, he later said that getting the "Chey kain and pen" was the highlight of the trip.  And that's why we don't need to go to Disneyland!  LOL!  (Catherine, pretend I didn't say that.  Ha ha!)
 I always gush about the band performances, so I'm not even going to do that.  But it was extremely gush-worthy.
 Flute section solo...
 ...during a big show piece where Mr. Hendricks started the band and then walked away, showing off how tight they were, even without a conductor.  I'm such a huge nerd, I actually got choked up.  Mr. Hendricks is just amazing.  (This is me not gushing.)

 Standing ovation from the music educators.

 Golda's friend Alyssa said seeing me on the front row was like having "one of her moms" there.  I almost cried again!  What a baby!  But I do love my kids' friends like "my kids."

 Golda's flute teacher was there representing Weber State, and came over to congratulate her students.  We are so lucky to have Cindy Henderson.  Golda has had two amazing flute teachers, worth every penny and more.
 As we left "Utah's Dixie," the sun was coming out and we were able to soak up some of it at a place Emily recommended, "Swig."  Then we had to drive back to winter.  Boo hoo!  Ptolemy, ever the perfect traveler, downed a to-go box of honey walnut shrimp and fell asleep for the duration of the ride.
 When we got home, we watched the Olympics opening ceremony, blinked, and then it was time for Golda's 5:00 am departure for the Dance Company State festival.  We didn't get to go to this one; it's not a spectator thing.  We'll just wait up tonight to find out how all the clinics and the adjudicating went.  That is, if Golda has any energy left to tell us about it!  I was going to say, "I wish every week was this exciting!"  But every week kindof IS this exciting.  Whose turn is it next??


laurel said...

She is amazing.

michelle said...

Wow! What a week! Sounds wonderful though!

Jennie said...

So glad it all went well and that you made it safe and sound. What a fulfilling and rewarding week. I'm telling ya, this is the best. Seeing these kids of ours blossom is heaven. Congrats G! I hope you guys recorded the hip hop number. We'd love to see it!

Catherine said...

Wow!! That's some week! So much fun and excitement for Golda (andMom) packed into it!!

What a fun little road twip! (LOL, I'll forgive you for the Disneyland slip ;o) ) and it's easy to see why PT is you sweet road trip side kick!! I'm somehow thinking after the video earlier this week that adorable little Miss Tizzy might want you to buy her Disneyland :o) if you took her. Love all the amazing personalities God puts in families!! We love your and miss you!!

Jennifer said...

Pt's expression in the fro-yo shot is precious.

Way to go, Golda! You are exemplary.