Sunday, February 23, 2014


 Freestone participated in his first ballroom dance team match.  Twice a week before school, he has ballroom practice.  It was his idea, and I never have to make him go.  Some of his friends are in it, and he seems to be very motivated to go.  One of his friends dropped out because he doesn't like to get up early, and Freestone is always trying to cajole him back, especially since the teacher promised a dozen donuts for anyone who brings a new boy.  Freestone was so obsessed with getting Sam back to ballroom, I finally told him I would personally buy him a dozen donuts if he would just let Sam sleep in in peace!
 Scott and I were lucky enough to be on the very front row, so we had a great view of Freestone nailing his tango and then doing equally well on his swing.  We were blown away!  Freestone was actually learning a skill all those early mornings, and becoming pretty good at it!
 HERE is his tango
and HERE is his swing.
 Ruby's friend Taylor was there to perform with Davis County Ballroom.  She rocked it!
 Morgan Elementary didn't with the giant trophy, but they did get a big trophy.  Freestone's team, Morgan Lavender, got a silver ribbon.  Then the judges moved on to individual medals.  Scott leaned over to me and said, "I wish Freestone could win one."  And then, Freestone and his tango partner received an individual medal for winning their heat in the tango!

 Freestone's cousin Tanner also did a stand-up job of representing the Dopp boys, winning two medals.  Grandma and Grandpa were there in the stands, cheering them on, thanks to Jeff and Richelle's invitation.  Sorry, Bruce and Marlene.  We are notoriously bad at inviting you to these things, hoping to spare you finding out along with us which activities are agonizing and which turn out fun. We'll do better.  :)  This one turned out fun.  It was organized, on schedule, AND Freestone was great!  Phew!  I'm all for participation in things that are organized and on time!  Despite my heritage, "Mormon Standard Time" isn't a time zone I can stand.  I'm always telling my kids, "Dopps are never late!"  And then in my head, I add, "Except for church."  Why prolong the agony by sitting there alone for 10 minutes?  hee hee.  I apologize for the blasphemy.  It's just that I'm about to be late for church because of this blog.

 Our favorite photo bomber.

Don Carlos was so impressed by the medal, his eyes about popped out of his head! ;)  Freestone, if we tell you we are proud of all your hard work, you'll probably scoff and say, "What hard work?"  I'll say, "Getting up early to go to ballroom."  You'll pretend to be confused, narrowing your eyes and retorting, "I never did that!"

So I'll save my breath and tell everyone else instead of you:  We're proud of Freestone!


sws said...

I watched both videos - GREAT job Freestone. What a fun thing to do!

Jennie said...

What great videos. So glad you posted them. Way to go Freestone. You'll have to talk it up to Collin so he'll want to do it next year. :)

Anonymous said...

Way to go Freestone!! Just watched both videos, you were fantastic and deserved your medal and recognition, great pictures here. You and your partner did an outstanding job, and made it look fun. Good dancing! Proud of you getting up each morning to practice. xo Tricia