Friday, December 12, 2014

Holly the Hedgehog

Davis High Dance Company participates in a multi-school Christmas performance that is shown to Ogden school kids, then to a wider audience that night.  Tziporah, Ptolemy and I went to the morning performance to record the dance that Golda and Ruby choreographed.  Even though we were in the front, the side angle is bad, but the dance is great!  They did a good job, everyone said.
We all went back Wednesday night to see the whole show again.  The different dance companies from Ben Lomond, Ogden, Clearfield and Fremont were very well prepared.  Each dance was enjoyable.  Some of these smaller companies have come a very long way since last year.  They should be proud.  Watching the kids dance, knowing some of them haven't had tons of exposure to dance, it makes me happy that they have this opportunity to express themselves through movement, and to learn dance.  At Davis High, the school is so big, and the community so rich with opportunity, many kids don't get a chance to be involved.  A double-edged sword; big school=lots of opportunities, yet lots of competition.

As grateful as I am for Dance Company, and I am extremely grateful, Golda has never had a chance to pursue one of her other passions at school, acting.  The "theater people" have the corner on that market, and rightly so.  They have put in their time.  Likewise, Golda never would have been able to do the Rose Parade with the band her sophomore year if she had been in Dance Company.  Every organization has so many great kids to choose from, they can ask everything of the kids.  Because if they're not willing to commit 100% to that team or group, there are a hundred other kids who would.  Like I said, double edged sword.  If you can find your niche, you're all set.  But you do have to make choices.

Am I rambling?  My point is, the dance performance was wonderful, I loved it, we all loved it, and I was bursting with pride to see my girls choreographing together, and to see the fruits of that.  It was hard, I won't sugar-coat it.  Hard to find the right music (Suzuki Cello Book 5), hard for them to work together with their differing ideas, hard to cobble together the hours it took.  But it was worth it.  Totally.  When I see them onstage, I am amazed at the hours it took to get them there.  I think of all the studio hours they put in, sometimes dragging their damaged and fatigued bodies to the car, holding back tears.  Why am I thankful for this?  I don't know.  I can't think.  I'm leaving for Xanthe's choir concert right now.  She is so excited to have me see what she has been working on. And so it continues...

 Sometimes there are pictures of me.  Half of me, anyway.


Jennie said...

I'm so glad you recorded it. Thank you. Such a great performance. Well done, girls!

michelle said...

I'm glad you posted video too! I so wanted to see this and it was wonderful!

laurel said...

Talented group.