Thursday, September 16, 2010

Finishing a

My car is full of canned food because Ari had an asthma attack at school while I was at the grocery store.

Ptolemy's high chair is covered in apple sauce because he fell out of it on his head as I was about to clean it.

There is a big pile of clean laundry on the floor because the phone rang when I was folding and it kept ringing and it's hard to fold with one hand and write on the calendar with the other hand while talking to people about violin rentals.

The garbage can is by the front door because, on my way outside to dump it, Freestone "really needed a towel."  He really did, for the sake of everyone in the vicinity.

The kitchen sink is full of dishes because I was going to unload/load the dishwasher right after I fed Ptolemy, but he fell asleep, and I didn't want to wake him up with noisy dish sounds.  And dinner is still in the planning stage because I'm so multi-tasked out that all I can think to make is toast.

Eventually, I'll have more time and I'll be able to do just one thing at a time, and do it well.  But then what will I blame my incompetence on?

Here's a video of Araceli playing a piece she just finished.  Most of it, anyway.  The camera ran out of memory.  I can totally relate.  Araceli, you did it!  Great job finishing a


Michelle said...

Man I can relate! I made William just promise not to go out to the kitchen because I just couldn't face emptying the dishwasher so I could put all the dirties from the dinner I did not fix. But hey, lunch was great! There is always tomorrow right? Right?

Kristi said...

lolol! I love it. I get it. :)