Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Heeeeere's Ruby!

This is Ruby setting off for her North Pole Expedition.  No, not really.  Just setting off for her Monday.  She had her violin for orchestra, school backpack, ballet bag for going straight to ballet after school with another mom, and her lunch and after-school snack.  I literally took less luggage on a two-month backpacking trip.  And this wasn't even one of the days she takes a dinner with her. 

The orchestra thing is new, as of this week.  Ruby stopped playing the violin long ago when she fell in love with guitar.  I was a little heartbroken, because she was such a natural at violin, but she proved to have just as much propensity for guitar.  I love to listen to her practice.  The classical guitar repertoire is so beautiful, and Ruby is getting so accomplished.  I always thought 6th grade orchestra would be fun for her, with her violin background, but I never mentioned it because Ruby has plenty to do, and she hates suggestions.  Ruby was born an adult, and she runs her own show.  So, Sunday night, Ruby told me that she needed a violin for orchestra the next day.  I was secretly happy (Just kidding, Ruby.  Whatever.  I don't care.), and we went to the shop to choose one. 

Ruby is like a beautiful garden that blooms with new, unexpected and exquisite flowers all the time.  She knows where she's going.  (She wants to be living on her own in San Francisco by the time she's sixteen.  I told her she could probably live there on her own now, and I believe it.)  In the world she is creating for herself, there is a lot of dance, music, art, humor, personal interaction and good food.  There's no math, though.  It sounds perfect, just like Ruby!


Jennie said...

What a stunner. She is so talented and diverse in her interests. I can't wait to see Rubes when she is 16. Between her and G, Scott had better go gun shopping. I have a feeling you guys are going to have a boy problem. :)

Lexie said...

You are adorable rubes! I love your hair.

Michelle said...

Yep, she does all that and is gorgeous too. And I want to be in her world too if there is no math!