Friday, November 12, 2010

Food Rules

I've been inspired to eat healthier foods by this blog and by the book Food Rules by Michael Pollan.  We haven't gone down the organic road, much less the completely local road (or footpath), but the Food Rules motto is a start:  "Eat food.  Not too much.  Mostly plants."

Being motivated by people who are going vegan, compared to my efforts, is a bit like coming home from the Louvre and buying a Thomas Kincade knockoff to hang above the fireplace.  My new "more veggies, less meat, mostly whole foods, very little refined stuff" campaign is but a facsimile of a truly healthy lifestyle.  But we all have to start somewhere.  My meals are more colorful and varied when meat isn't the main ingredient, and I'm getting a lot of satisfaction from preparing food that is good for us.  Now cooking seems like more of a luxury and less of a burden.  I hope our "Kincade-ish" efforts lead to an even bigger leap toward food fitness.  Next step:  the green drink.  Not quite there yet!


Michelle said...

I am trying to be better too. No way can I do the green dring though. I am going to try more soymilk shakes with fresh fruit though. Next week I begin!

Emily said...

that looks yumm....