Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Happy Birthday to MeeBee!

Ruby has a new nickname, coined by Ptolemy:  MeeBee.  And MeeBee turns 12 today!  Hooray!  Our tiny adult is finally old enough to go to Young Women's instead of Primary, is (mostly) out of grade school, and is on her way!  What an exciting time in her life.

Last night was New Beginnings at the church for Young Women's, and Ruby and four of her friends were welcomed in.  For Ruby, it was perfect timing, on the eve of her 12th birthday.  The others have to wait months before they turn 12, but Ruby can jump right in there.  She has been participating in the activities all month, since I'm a Beehive advisor and some of the Tuesday night activities were at our house, in preparation for New Beginings.  Ruby helped dip the chocolate-covered frozen bananas for refreshments and helped me design the invitations that the Beehives made for the event.  The Beehives were responsible for pulling off the evening from planning to implementation.  Golda conducted the meeting and also introduced Ruby, and I was proud of the great job she did.  Here's what she said:

Ruby Marlene Dopp turns 12 tomorrow.  She has been very excited to come into young Women's for a long time and is very excited to go to Girls' Camp this year with me - her sister, her cousin Lexie and my mom.

Ruby loves to cook and bake.  Her specialty is rice pudding.  She also loves to do ballet, modern and jazz dance.  She plays the guitar which she loves and plans to go to a college for guitar and dance.

Ruby is a great writer and likes to draw, paint and sketch.  She has recently started homeschooling for the first time and she is really enjoying it.  She is the patient peace-maker and comedian in our house and she is working oon finishing the Book of Mormon this year.  So that is a little bit about Ruby!

There's lots more about Ruby that we love.  She is at lunch with Scott right now, and is planning to make her favorite, chicken peccata, for dinner.  So stay tuned for more festivities!  Love ya, MeeBee!


Nate said...

Happy Birthday to Ruby:) You are a peacemaker!

Jennie said...

Happy Birthday Rubes!!! We just love ya, love ya, love ya. We hope your day is wonderful!

love.boxes said...

Happy Birthday Rubes!! You are an amazing girl! We all love you!

Kristi said...

She is such a cutie - she has an amazing smile and the most twinkly eyes! Hope it's a happy one, for your special girl.

The Brown Family said...

Again, our parallel lives collide. We had New Beginnings/Evening of Excellence last night. Pearl was welcomed into YW and Hillary received her medallion :)

How fun for Ruby to have a sister and mom in YW!


laurel said...

Happy b-day!!!! You are an amazing girl!!!!

The homestead said...

12 is such a great age. You 2 have wonderful daughters that are growing up so fast.

sws said...

Happy Birthday, Ruby! And you are making your birthday dinner - wow! I hope you had a wonderful day. Congratulations on Young women...I wish I could be your leader, too.

Michelle said...

We love you Ruby! Hope you had a perfect day!

Emily said...

I want a Ruby at my house! Happy Birthday Rubes!!