Tuesday, January 11, 2011

No Boy

 No no no no no!
This boy loves to say no.  He has numerous inflections, some of which mean no and some of which actually mean yes.  Some no's mean "I'm tired" and some mean "Where is everybody?"  If you ask him if he wants to go in his crib, it's a brief "Nao."  We had some friends over and their little girls were petting Star.  From across the room, Ptolemy came running, shouting, "No no no no no!"  He guarded Star's head with one arm and fought off the girls with the other, pointing at them and chastising them with his NO.

If Scott gives me a hug, Tolly runs over, scolding  "No no no!"  He pushes me away and hugs Daddy, saying, "Aaaaawww!"  That means "I'M cute!  Not Mama!  Me me me!"  He may not have more than a couple dozen words right now, but it doesn't matter.   Ptolemy only really needs one!  Although it is nice to hear his adorable little "ya" once in awhile!


love.boxes said...

We STILL have a lot of the the No's over here. But, I love to hear the little voice.

Jennie said...

So cute! We just love our little Tolly man.

Michelle said...

That kid just gets cuter and cuter!

Kristi said...

cute, cute boy!