Saturday, June 2, 2012

Lost in Translation

"Freestone, don't do that!  Why are you putting orange juice in your eye?"

"Well, I don't get superpowers from just doing nothing!"


"And then my head lights on fire and everybody's like aaaaaaah, his head's on fire!"

"Uh-huh.  OK."

"Mom, do you know what you do?  Someone spills their Skittles and you offer to pick them up and then you just eat them as fast as you can."

"Did you do that?"

"No but Mom, Alex said "e" instead of "i" and Mr. Keck was like 'Allez dans la salle pour parler l'anglais!'"

Is this kid speaking a foreign language?  Well, yeah, kindof, but I don't think French is the problem here.  It's Freestonese that's Greek to me!

(Now he's singing "I Wish You a Horrid Christmas and the Saddest New Year.  Just FYI.)


love.boxes said...

This kid is so awesome!

love.boxes said...

Hilarious. I can't remember if I made a whold comment because my girls were talking while I typed. But, I sure think Free is a cute guy and I love how he thinks.

Jennie said...

I'm so impressed with his sentence in French.... and the Freestonese. :) Hope you guys are enjoying your first official day of summer. Also hope G is feeling better. What a horrible day to have been sick.

Nate said...

But he is very creative. Maybe he will invent a new language for like-minded friends. Looks like so much going on lately as usual in your family. Sorry I am getting there late but it all looked fun! Glad summer is here:)