Friday, June 29, 2012

You Don't Always Get What You Want...Unless You're Ptolemy

 "Can you guys help me?  I can't find any cookie dough in here."
 Yes, my response was to make cookie dough.  Look at that cute face!
 "Johnnie went to the creek and his mom told him not to."  Excerpt from the Johnnie story that Tolly repeats like a mantra.  He screams it over and over until I finally tell him the whole story...again.
 He used to hold up five fingers and say, "I'm two like this."  Then he figured out how to put some of the fingers down.  Sortof.  Whatever you say, Ptolemy.  Whatever you say.
 "Hey, I want to go to the beach wif you guys."
 "These goggles don't fit me, Woobee."
"But I wanted more chocolate!  Get me more chocolate!"

Ptolemy is a sweet, perfect little guy.  At least I think so.  In reality, he's probably a screaming, spoiled rotten monster who rejects the notion that he can't have his way.  But he seems like a heavenly angel to me.  Yesterday at the pool, he came to me in his goggles and said, "I wanted chocolate."  I tried to explain that I didn't have any.  I searched through my bag and said there was no chocolate.  Ptolemy's cries got louder and louder, demanding chocolate, until I finally searched Ruby's bag and found a Reese's Peanut Butter cup.  I like to think that Ptolemy is learning perseverance and determination in the face of adversity, rather than admit that I'm spoiling him.  "If at first you don't find chocolate, try, try again" is a valuable lesson no matter what age you are.

What?  You said I'm a great parent?  Thank you.  You don't think Ptolemy is just a tiny bit spoiled?  Oh sorry, can't hear you.  Ptolemy wants to hear the Johnny story again.  Gotta go.


laurel said...

He is so cute. Love the chocolate goggle face. I think it is great to have spoiled kids when they are little....they deserve it when they are that dang cute.

Taylor Family said...

This is exactly how I feel about my Kip. He is perfect, adorable, spoiled and very determined. They will be great little buddies.

Anonymous said...

Too cute! and funny!.Mmmmm wonder where he gets the chocolate urge from? Too funny of pictures them. It is all right to spoil them in a nice way!...That Johnny story has seen a lot of miles since Big Golda telling it to me! it!..Alex and Lincoln love it too!...glad Pt got his chocolate!..XO Tricia

Nate said...

He is so cute...don't blame you for giving him chocolate and cookie dough on demand. Sorry we missed your pancake party. We plan to have another water party sometime this summer and hope your two can come!

jenn said...

It's the hardest to be strict when they are being so cute! I get in trouble all the time with my kids when I should be getting angry and I am laughing instead!

Kristi said...

Spoiled? nah. Just very, very loved. I don't think I could resist that cute face either. :)