Wednesday, July 18, 2012


This is my swimsuit.  Scott bought if for me last summer.  It was expensive.  I like it.  And even though I have a cute swimsuit, I haven't been to the pool nearly as much as usual.  I thought it was because we're hectic-busy this summer, but I just had an epiphany.  The reason we haven't been to the pool is the conversation Ruby had with an employee there.  It took the wind out of my sails and I didn't even realize it.

At the pool a few weeks ago, this woman (a "friend" of mine) watched me walk away and then leaned in to Ruby and said, "Your mom has had that swimsuit for years, hasn't she?"  Ruby said, "Uh..." and the woman said, "Why don't you buy her a new one for Mothers' Day."  She walked off and left Ruby standing there thinking about how Mothers' Day was a couple months ago.

When Ruby told me about the incident, I tried to shake it off.  But now, every time I go to the pool I feel so ugly.  That thoughtless comment changed me from the fun and capable mom who used to bring a whole slew of kids to the pool every day, to the ugly, saggy impostor woman who shows up at the country club in a swimsuit that's old and dingy.  The new me isn't fooling anyone.  She's poor and tired and she forgets to bring swim diapers.  She doesn't wear makeup and her kids splash each other in the eyes.  She doesn't know the lifeguards and she isn't very friendly.

I miss the old me at the pool, but I don't know how to bring her back.  I find it ludicrous that an insignificant comment like that can rankle me so much.  Instead of asking what's wrong with a woman who would say something like that, now I'm asking myself what's wrong with me that it made me feel so dumpy and embarrassed.

Have you even had something this stupid happen to you that you could not get over?  Ugh!!


jenn said...

I think you look adorable! I used to be the girl that laughed a lot and was very very happy. Then I got one too many comments about my laugh and I gave it up. Its taken years, and Zeljko, for me to start letting it out again. Next time just wear a necklace with your suit and it will look brand new!! HAHAHA

Amanda said...

I think that's an awesome swimsuit and you look incredible in it! That lady was probably just jealous of how fabulous you look after having so many kids! If I looked that great in my swimsuit I'd wear it all summer long.

Shane and Kenzie said...

First things look AWESOME! My first thought when I saw that picture was, "wow, I love that suit, and look at circe's legs!" Seriously.
However, I totally get why you're feeling the way you are. Last week when I put the ultrasound picture up on my blog of my baby boy, someone text me and said, "your baby is growing some huge brains!" I'm sure she meant it in the best way, but I took offense, and haven't been able to get over it. Annoying.

Unknown said...

I have so much I want to say. Don't let that woman have another second of your life and happiness. You look fantastic and that is such a cute suit. At least you are not like me who is sad to buy a suit from costco because it is a good deal and I need it, but it is so BORING. Plain. Blue. Not even ruching or seaming or anything! It really made me sad to buy it. Maybe you could buy a cheap swimsuit, then you will have your "new" suit, but you opt to wear your awesome suit, because it is you favorite!

Go be the fun mom again! Soon, before swimming season ends! (And thanks for reminding me to get swim diapers, I'll put that on my shopping list.)

Brent and Debbie said...

How RUDE!! Your "friend" had no right. I'm offended that she would say that to someone as amazing as you! Don't let her hot air take the wind out of your sails. Many women do the same as you. We get many compliments but dwell on the few "slams" by uncaring people. Whenever her comments enter your mind call me and I can come up with something amazing to say about you everytime. Love you woman~~

Anonymous said...

Sorry people can be so rude! The swimsuit is darling and she was probably jealous that you have it so together. I think everyone gets "the wind knocked out of their sails" every once in a while. It happened to us a few years ago at Christmas when we received an anonymous gift card to a local grocery store for a large sum of money. We didn't need the money so it made me wonder what we seemed like to other people. We have plenty of money and I think we dress ok, etc.
(I don't want to sound ungrateful-don't get me wrong). For a long time I felt like we were a charity case and I felt like we didn't look as put together as I though we were. It can really mess with your self esteem. Anyway, we passed it on to a family the bishop recommended. If I were you, I would go to the pool and hold you head high and rock that cute swimsuit!

Anonymous said...

Seriously - what is wrong with the so-called "friend" to your face, not so much behind your back. I suppose she doesn't look half as good after having 6 babies and trying to keep up with 7 children - who are very capable and very talented. Thanks in big part to their mother.
I haven't had something like that happen - yet. But I did come back from Cherry Hill tonight, thinking am I the only woman that hasn't had my body adjusted since giving birth and nursing children. Making me feel a little less confident in a swimsuit - which there wasn't much confidence beforehand anyway. I say rock the swimsuit while toilet papering the lady's house.

Michelle said...

I would just like you to know that I thought tonight, from a distance even, how cute you looked in your suit! I hate thoughtless comments! Dismiss that on!

Jennifer said...

Grr. This woman was surely channeling her own insecurities. I'm so sorry she hurt you. It's hard to get over the barbs sometimes, isn't it? You will emerge from this experience even more empathetic than you already are. No growth for her. Plus, having seen the suit in person I can authoritatively say, "YOU ROCK IT!"

Ernstfamilyfun said...

Oh man I'm sorry! You do look great!

Catherine said...

I'm so sorry this thoughtless comment hurt you so deeply but I understand why. Words cut to the core.

I have a mean Anonymous commenter who stalks my blog and comments about my weight, even slinging around such words as 'obese' and 'fat'. Oh do they hurt!

And yet I decided (after wanting to sock this anonymous commenter in the mouth and putting 'comment moderation' on permanently) that I am NOT going to allow this coward to affect my time with Hannah. I don't want to look back and realize I missed parts of Hannah's childhood because of this person. They are nothing to me. My daughter is my world and she's who matters.

Hope this helps even a little. That and oh yah, I want to sock your mean commenter for you too! :o)

((hugs)) friend! You look mahhhvelous!!

Emily said...

That lady is an idiot, don't listen to her... you look amazeballs!

love.boxes said...

What Emily said! Some of us like really quality things that are more expensive, but they are favorite faithful friends... I love the new suits.. but this one is a keeper.. an oldie, but a goodie :)