Sunday, July 8, 2012

A LOT of Fun

 This is not the cabin.  Oh no, this is just the cabin's treehouse and slide.  It's very impressive, but it's just one of the many outbuildings on the property formerly known as "The Lot."  There is also a beautiful cabin, two trailers, a 4-wheeler garage, several decks, a little pool, a bouncy house and the latest addition, the Snak Shak. 

 This is Golda and Ruby staring in awe at the Snak Shak, Grandpa and Grandma's new creation.  It is amazingly cute.  Grandpa has all kinds of "log cabin living" type magazines at the cabin, but I have yet to see something in any of those magazines that rivals the creativity, ingenuity and flair of Grandma and Grandpa's cabin and all its satellite pieces.  The Snak Shak has a canoe for a roof and houses a long table, wash basin, a s'more pole rack and two closets for chairs and all things s'more.  What will they think of next?  Whatever it is, I'm sure they've already thought of it, and the idea will be realized in all its glory next time we're at the cabin.  Can't wait!

We had an eventful weekend at the cabin.  There was a torrential downpour that almost ruined all the hobo dinners, Freestone got hit in the eye with a croquet mallet, Jeff was followed home from a 4-wheeler ride by a sheriff and Ryan and I had a little, um, altercation.  There.  That's for all you naysayers that claim blogs like mine are all sunny-side-of-life lies told through rose-colored glasses.  There's the unvarnished truth.  Except those are just some crazy details that have nothing to do with the wonderful feeling at The Lot or the hours of laid-back conversation between adults who love each other and kids who hit each other with croquet mallets.  Just was an accident!  Of course we had fun.  I mean, picture a place where you're sitting around a campfire stuffing your face with s'mores.  You stretch and yawn and say, "I wish we had a big pan of brownies."  And a big pan of brownies appears.  Oh yes.  It does.

We had such a great time at The Lot, we didn't want to ever come home.  Except for Scott, who came home early.  But everyone loves him anyway, which is probably why they threw him in the pool.  Oh wait, that was for laughing at the people (Dad, Ryan and Michelle, mostly) who were standing in the pouring rain fixing our dinner.  Nowhere is Scott more argumentative and antagonistic than when he's with his own family.  They must have resigned themselves to putting up with it a long time ago because they keep inviting him back.  In fact, they might even like his style.  We were all sitting in the sun and Jennie suggested we move to the other side of the yard where it was cool and shady.  Some people moved and some stayed put in the hot sun.  We analyzed it and decided that those who stayed in the sun were the most stubborn and those who moved were the most easy-going.  I can tell you, there were more who stayed in the sun.  So when Ruby digs in her heels on an issue and won't budge or Ptolemy cries until he gets what he wants or Freestone repeats an idea until it comes true...they come by their determination honestly.  Dopps are not weak-willed, that's for sure!  No matter what side of the yard everyone ended up on, they still love each other.  Unless someone tells them to.  And then they won't.  :)

 Xanthe is really good at bumming 4-wheeler rides off of uncles and grandpas.
 One of our favorite pastimes, whether home or at the cabin, making Tziporah giggle.
 Ryan:  "An R.V. trip might be fun."
Scott:  "That's stupid.  I can't think of anything worse."
Bruce:  "How about Yellowstone?  It's so beautiful!  I love it."
Scott:  "Yellowstone is so lame.  Oh look, there's a fly!  Everyone go five miles an hour!"

 We had to bring the tent so that Freestone could cross "go camping" off the list.  I did NOT want to have to actually go camping.  Where would we go?  How would we get there?  How would we know where to put the tent?  How do you set it up?  These are questions I may never have to know the answers to because Scott bought the stupid thing, so he is in charge of it.  He set it up and took it down, and in between, Freestone, Cade and Jake stayed up until three o'clock in the morning in it!  Freestone said "camping" was the best part of the cabin trip.  Bullet dodged.

 Everyone:  "I love the great outdoors.  You feel so free and alive in nature."
Scott:  "Nature sucks.  I'd rather be in a big city."

 Looking for the Milky Way
 This was us when we were eight feet tall.
 Perfection!  Even Scott can't argue with this.

 Cooling Jeff off with a water bottle.

 "I needed another drink."  He likes to talk in past tense.
 This is everyone when I said to smile.  Scott and Bruce pretended they were asleep.  Uh huh.  I wonder where Scott gets his personality!
 Jeff and Ryan throwing Scott in the pool.  This was during the surprise summer storm that happened just as the hobo dinners were being prepared.  Scott refused to help, claiming that we wouldn't starve if we just waited until the storm passed.  He had a valid point, since we hadn't stopped eating cheese puffs for even a moment all day.  But still, he deserved it big time.

 After Scott got thrown in, Clint jumped in too, based on the position that it's better to go in of your own free will and choice than to be thrown in by your big, bad brothers-in-law.  Smart man!
 Scott is a good sport.  Look at that charming smile.  Not only am I lucky to be married to such a good guy, I'm lucky to be part of such a great family.  Sometimes I think, Bruce and Marlene only raised four boys and I got one of them!  How lucky am I?  Not everyone does such a stand-up job of raising kids as Bruce and Marlene.  I'm just glad they decided to move to little old Kaysville when Scott was still young and cute so I could snatch him up!  Just giving you a hard time, Scott.  I'd still snatch you up now, even though you're old, bald and have seven kids.  And you're cranky.  And you complain about too many lights being on.  You're still my idea of perfect.

 Bam Bam

 We stopped to see the Logan temple, where Grandma and Grandpa were married.  I asked Golda if she would want to go to Utah State.  She said, and I quote, "No way!  Living up here would be like living in Heck!"  Sheesh.  Another Dopp.  So contrary!
So we had to stop and see the new Brigham City temple, too.  Xanthe really wanted to take a picture from her carseat.  I wonder if any of our kids will ever get married in either of these temples.  If they do, I hope they get as lucky as I did and find families as great as the one I got.


Kristi said...

You Dopps are too much fun! How lucky are you to have this amazing place to hang out together, and so many interesting personalities to keep each other entertained. I had to laugh at your comment about Scott. Jason is so contrary and argumentative around his family! Makes me crazy!! I am curious about your altercation with Ryan....

Michelle said...

It looks like such fun!! Sometime you have to post a big panoramic picture of the Lot so I can really get an idea of what the whole thing looks like. I love when you imitate Scott, you get it perfectly. Guess you have known him for awhile or something!

Nortorious said...

Covet. I want to go there! I thought this was a retreat of some sort, but no. Just the Grandparents. Adopt me?

jenn said...

You guys do have an amazing family, I have told Zeljko before that we BOTH got lucky, him "finding" you and me "marrying into" your family! We don't mind Scott either :)

love.boxes said...

What a fun compound. I didn't know the Dopps were so much like the Kennedys! I bet the Kennedys don't have a snack shack though... Love all the pictures! :)

Jennie said...

I love all the pics. You were able to get so many good ones. I'll have to steal some of them.

Anonymous said...

What fun!..almost like your own Lagoon!, Congratulations to Marlene and Bruce for making such a fun family compound for all to enjoy and their hard work in doing it...Pictures are great!..and your stories of what you have been up to always so descriptive. Fun for all for many years to come. XO Tricia

laurel said...

Can I come next time?