Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Escargot, Anyone?

It was unseasonably warm here yesterday, and sunny in the window where the snails live.  And, well, it's easy to forget about pets that mostly don't move.  They don't even have faces!  I didn't exactly saute Ptolemy's snails in butter and garlic, but I did find out that they don't like their water hot.  It makes them, um, die.

Good-bye, Snailie and Davis.  We will miss you!  Or at the very least, the kids will eventually notice that your trifle bowl is gone.  Not yet, however.  Ptolemy is busy with his new pet, a millipede who likes to watch Arthur.  (Not the giant pet store kind.  The kind you find in the garage.)  I think he'll make a good distraction, although he has already broken in half.  Ptolemy put him in a cup and said, "Don't touch him!  He'll come to life!"  You know, maybe Ptolemy isn't a pet person.  He might be traumatized by the time he carried an earwig into the house and said enthusiastically, "Look at this scary bug!"  I screamed and then he screamed, "Get it off me!  Get it off me!"

So he's ruined for a career in entomology, and now he's not a good candidate as a French chef either.  Is this kid going to have any career options left when I'm finished with him?  The only position petulant Ptolemy will be qualified for is Emperor, and for that, he'll have to move to 19th century Japan.  Maybe by then someone will have invented time travel.  Otherwise, Tolly will be doomed.  Just like his snails.


Shane and Kenzie said...

Well at least you found the cooked snails before they began to rot, right?
My little 3 1/2 year old nephew got a new betta fish the other day. My darling nephew has a few challenges, so his parents were trying to teach him the right way to treat a pet. The day after the little fish made a place in their home, my nephew came running into the bathroom saying "mom! wook...a fis!"...to my sister's horror, he had snatched up the fish, and folded it in half until his insides were no longer, well, on the inside. Poor pets...you win some, and you definitely lose some!

michelle said...

Shouldn't be funny, but so funny! Brittany and I laughed so hard at this one! I think Ptolly just needs a bigger pet!

Anonymous said...

I consider you the best mom ever for even getting the snails in the first place. I am not a pet person at all and my kids think I am mean because I tell them no whenever they ask for a pet (which is a lot!)

Nate said...

I like his faith that it will come to life in the cup. Good luck with next pet!

Cricket said...

Three of our snails went to heaven. We lost 2 frogs, 3 crickets, 2 betas (one was originally blue but not so after Lily loved it too much) and a baby raccoon that went to Heaven with help from daddy and six shots. We have caterpillars, box elder bugs and some things that Lily finds and just brings into the house to love.

I love how interested they are in what is around them and how they love them, sometimes a bit too much.