Saturday, March 2, 2013


Ptolemy has had a digestive problem for months.  Our pediatrician referred us to a specialist at Primary Children's, and we had to wait 7 or 8 weeks to get in.  When we finally got in to see her, she said Ptolemy had a common, but semi-serious problem that our doc should have easily diagnosed.  (Can't remember what it's called, but it's like a bowel blockage, and it has a name.)  Frustrating, bur reassuring at the same time, that it's a legitimate problem.  Hmm, wish I'd known this two months ago.

Poor little guy has had to do a fast and purge.  He was on clear liquids all day, and it was hard.  He cried for food all day long, and the laxatives didn't kick in until the middle of Freestone and Xanthe's recital this afternoon.  Yep, that's when the laxatives kicked in, big time.  Now I have a whole new frame of reference for the word "crapshoot."

He's finally asleep, and I hope I don't have to do the clear liquids again tomorrow.  This morning, I told Ptolemy it was his "special day," the day he can't have food.  He kept bawling, "It's not my special day!  I want food!"  I took him to get a Slurpee, but he didn't drink much of it.  Part of having a blockage is that your body sends signals that it's full, so you don't eat enough.  You're hungry, but full after a bite or two.  Sad that he didn't even want his Slurpee after not having eaten all day.  It will be so great to have all of this behind us (no pun intended) and watch Ptolemy be able to eat a big, giant meal, and finish it all.  When it's time to eat again, Tolly can have "EVER he wants!"  He sure deserves it, the brave little soul!


Anonymous said...

Poor little guy, hope he gets to eat something today! Sorry he has had this, and it is too bad didn't know sooner like not having to wait six or more weeks. Will it be an ongoing condition? Lemon juice in hot water like Big Golda if he has problems..kept her going and her mother! Great word for your blog! very creative!. xo T

Ernstfamilyfun said...

oh! poor little guy! I am so sorry, that is so hard for him and as a mom to see your child so uncomfortable! We had a similar experience with Ellie, afterwards I went out and bought extra food storage because I swear, I NEVER want to see my kids go hungry.

Shane and Kenzie said...

Sounds rough...I am so sorry you had to go through that with him! I now know what it feels like to see your child's like torture!
Hope everything can be fixed for that cute little guy!

Michelle said...

Poor little man! Tell him I'm making cookies for Wed!

Catherine said...

Poor little Tolly! I hope the fast does the trick.

The homestead said...

So sorry for all of you.