Sunday, March 10, 2013

Oh Boy

What is it with boys and poop?  When Freestone was Ptolemy's age, and he would lie in bed at night musing out loud, "Poop is a funny word.  Poop.  Poop.  Poop is a funny word..."  In Sacrament meeting today, Ptolemy was doing what he calls his "exercises," saying in a loud stage whisper, "Butt!  Bum!  You're a bum!  You're a bum AND a butt!"  There is no way to stop him.  I repeat, there is NO way to stop him.  It's embarrassing!  My plan was to have polite children who didn't say those kinds of things.  What happened?

At least Ptolemy was cheerful about taking the sacrament.  Abandoning the stage whisper, he informed everyone in the chapel, "They're bringing the drinks now!  We're going to have drinks!"  I'm just glad the cups are so small.  We wouldn't want to have to...pee.  Tee hee.


laurel said...

Boys are awesome. At least, you can't fall asleep with him around.

Marilyn said...

I would LOVE to sit behind you in church--I'll bet we would be just as entertaining!

Catherine said...

LOL! Kids - they keep us humble!!

I can only imagine all the people your sweet Ptolmey made smile yesterday and that's awesome!!

Nate said...

Children have a way of destroying our dignity. At least they are really cute...and Tolly is cute!

Amanda said...

I hear you! My little Nathan is at the same stage. It drives me crazy how he calls strangers or anyone else he happens to pass by a butt or bum. We just finally got through that stage with Jonah! I don't know how to stop it either. We'll just wait for them to grow up, I guess. But that's sad too!