Friday, May 23, 2014

1926, 2015

These plaques are hanging all along the wall in the commons are of Davis High, but I have never gotten a good picture of this one.  My friend was nice enough to post this on Instagram for me.  Her son is on the right.  Davis chose one current student who has an ancestor when went to the school, for each year of the school's existence.  Golda was lucky enough to get to be the student for 1926, the year her great-grandmother Golda graduated from Davis High.  I am guessing the majority of the students at Davis have a parent or grandparent who went to the school.  It was such a neat idea to compile this visual representation of the connection our community has to its past, and I am proud that the two Goldas are part of it.  Our Golda could have also used 1954 for her grandpa Bill, or 1989 for both of her parents, or numerous other years if you want to count aunts and uncles!  (Not to mention that her grandma Coco taught Honors English there for 20+ years!)

Dart pride runs deep here!


Jennie said...

So cool! Glad you were able to get a pic.

Catherine said...

That's really neat! What a history!

sws said...

Coco taught 20 years? How did that go by so fast? I love dear old Davis High.