Monday, February 18, 2013

Loose Cannons

Well, it was an exciting weekend.  Through a computer glitch, we almost had the chance to book a Paris apartment for $27.00 a night.  The dangers of are myriad, including the temptation to sell your integrity for a cheap apartment near the Arc du Triomphe.  After we decided not to "book it for $27.00 and see if they notice," based more on Trajan's schedule not working with taking Ruby to Paris right then than any moral conviction on our part, we were deflated.

It was Saturday afternoon and someone said, "I love San Francisco."  Someone else said, "Let's go there right now!"  We all stood around with this unstable gleam in our eyes for a moment, ready to bolt, until I stated the awful truth: "We have a room full of loose cannons here!  We cannot go to San Francisco right now!"  Trajan said, "Yeah.  If we would have thought of it yesterday, though..."  For sure.

So the farthest afield anyone went was Park City.  Scott and I went up for one of our 14-hour getaways.  Leave after half the kids are asleep Saturday night, come home in time to take the girls to their choir commitment Sunday morning at nine.  Somehow, it's long enough.  Freestone made an apple pie Sunday night, which I took as a symbol of how nice it is to stay home.  Mom and apple pie, hominess, Uncle Sam and all that.  Home sweet home! 

Then Scott called me this morning and said something that started with, "So I was on airbnb..."  and ended with, "and she also has a cheap apartment in Belleville, your favorite neighborhood in Paris!"

Well, they do have apple pie in Belleville...


Jennie said...

How fun. Who is going this time and when?

Anonymous said...

What, fill us in!.....xo Tricia Never know where you are, any of you!. Sounds fun. Your picture on FB may not be too far off...

Circe said...

Ain't nobody goin' nowhere. Just dreamin'!

Michelle said...

You guys kill me! I absolutely think Traj was right and you would be gone if you had thought of it on Friday!

Anonymous said...

It's good to dream!..that is how things come about!. Keep those dreams alive!..xo T
(Would have been fun!...and it is fun to dream..all of you keep those dreams alive!.)

Nate said...

Fun to dream:) Thank you for hosting an amazing party with an incredible number of families. We really appreciated all you did to make it all work out well.

Catherine said...

I love how spontaneous you are! And, that you're raising a wonderful family of 'drop and go' kiddos! We live like that too and it's wonderful!!

I also love that you and Scott invest in your marriage and steal moments away as you can. Although I didn't understand it at the time when I was staying home with a babysitter, those moments and weeks that my parents took apart from us to invest in their marriage were invaluable to all of us! They've been married 54 years and are going strong! You and Scott are so wise to invest in one another which in turns allows you to invest in your kiddos. Way to go!!!