Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Ari magnanimously allowed me to be in charge of an invitation.  We had a ball taking pictures and turning them into a story where Tizzy is uncooperative and preoccupied by Xanthe's Kindle.  She was a good sport, considering she has an ear infection, sinus infection and pink-eye.  At least pink is part of the color scheme.
 Tziporah's first birthday is fast approaching.  I wish there were something I could do to prolong her first, precious year and keep her tiny and sweet for much longer.  When she was born at five pounds something, we just adored her delicate, miniature features and the feather-light weight of her, nestled in a profusion of soft, new blankets.  Peering out from inquisitive eyes, she longed to grow and learn, from the very first moments of her arrival.  Wouldn't it be better if babies were content to just stay small for a few months?  I wish that first month lasted for a year itself.  Even if it's gone quickly, each day with Tizzy has been full of gratitude and happiness.  I'm sure I have marveled at our little miracle every single day of her life.

And now it's time for a first birthday.  Since Tziporah has the only February birthday in the Dopp family, she gets to have the monthly Dopp birthday party all to herself.  Araceli called dibs on planning the party.  Check out her list, typed and bullet-pointed.  Ari is much more organized than I am already, and much more creative, too.  This girl has it all!  According to the list, one of my jobs (because Ari doesn't have a car) is to buy a "Western Family white deluxe moist vanilla cake mix."  See, if I were making the list, it would say "cake mix," and then I'd get whichever one was on sale.  Ari, on the other hand, knows exactly what she wants.  She has also requested cheese cake and told me on the way to ballet yesterday that she will DIE if we don't have cheesecake.  The kind at Sam's Club that has four different quadrants in various flavors.  She will DIE, I tell you, if I don't locate and purchase that cheesecake!

If you're a Dopp or King (yes, you're invited), watch out for a food assignment.  I'll warn you right now, chocolate-covered strawberries are on the assignment list, so you might want to volunteer right now to bring "roles," unless you want to dip strawberries for 45 people.  Might I also suggest wearing clothes that coordinate with the color scheme:  red, pink and purple.  Just so you don't clash in the pictures.

Freestone lost out on getting his idea incorporated, a Minecraft tournament.  He wanted to practice five times a day in order to earn the game before Sunday, but we decided it would be better to have his own party in a couple of weeks.  So boys, brush up on your mining skills.  Freestone already has a house hidden behind a waterfall, and he's getting a dog today, if he gets his homework done, and if he practices guitar.  That's right, he talked Ruby into teaching him guitar so he can practice more and earn video games faster.  Violin before school, guitar after.  Don'tcha dare try to tell me video games are bad for boys!!  For one thing, a virtual dog?  Yes, please.

For another thing, there is a chance that all the boy cousins and some of the girls will be so interested in Minecraft at the party that I will be able to eat all of the chocolate-covered strawberries myself.  Win, win! 


Taylor Family said...

I will bring the stawberries that sounds like a fun project while I am hanging out at home with the little Jeff Dopps all weekend.

Michelle said...

I refuse to accept that our baby is a year old! It can't be! Love Ari's skills. Maybe she can be a party planner someday. Hope you got that cheesecake while you were down by my house today!

Jennie said...

Love the pictures and can't wait for the party. Let me know what you want me to bring. Salad, maybe :) :)

Amber said...

The beat the clock points game is working great for my 10 yr old too-- it was a productive nice evening! It helped him to think he wasn't the only 10 yr. old boy who has to practice an instrument. Thank you, thank you thank you!

Anonymous said...

Wish I could be there! Cannot believe little Tzizzy will be one already!. Time flies!. So glad for your trip down and I got to spend time with her and enjoy you, Ruby and TZ. Happy, Happy Birthday early to you! And have a fun party!..she loves to party! Cute pictures and blog, I agree Ari could be a party planner!. Happy Birthday Tzizzy!. Love, Tricia Will be thinking of you and sending wishes on the 10th!.xo (And Alex and Lincoln)..they loved her!