Thursday, February 14, 2013

Ummm, Ruby?

So Ruby, when you leave a bunch of windows open, it's not hard for me to sort of cobble together an idea of what your intentions are.  Let's see.  You have a flight to Paris bookmarked for mid-March.  You have contacted the owner of an apartment in the Marais and apparently have plans to rent her couch for 33 euros a night.  You have 93 messages in your inbox, the vast majority of which are from Travelocity DealWatchers, and a company called ""

Sniqueaway?  Are you a flight risk?  Is there any question?

Now I recall something about you "wasting your Gap Year, stuck here instead of Paris."  For most people, the "Gap Year" is the year after high school, if you put off college to find yourself.  The term Gap Year does not refer to 8th grade, even if your grades don't count on your permanent record.

That being said, I have your back on this one.  I was 14 when I spent a semester in Paris, you know.  But let's see if we can find you a roommate who doesn't smoke, shall we?


laurel said...

Uh, wow. At 14, Alex is just looking for where the next meal is coming from or how much food he can shove into his mouth let alone Paris. You have an amazing daughter on your hands.

Anonymous said... is she going? Sounds like she has plans in the works? What can you say when you did go at 14? Keep us posted!. So grown up! xo Tricia

Jennie said...

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. She is bound for a life of adventure. Love it.