Thursday, February 14, 2013

My Valentine

Why do I love this guy?  Well, for starters, he got the kids a big box of donuts and some root beer for Valentine's Day, and arranged it on the counter the minute they were all in bed, which happened to be after 11:00.  Way past Scott's bed time!

Ruby says her favorite thing about Dad is that he organizes everything so we can have fun.  Freestone says, "He's my dad."  Ari said, "Dad always thinks of us instead of himself."  All true, all true.

I also love that Scott is addicted to  When he married me, I casually mentioned my plans to spend that first summer (almost three months) driving from Utah to New York, then backpacking from Portugal to Turkey, then driving home from New York.  Oh, and this was in between a trip to Puerto Rico and a week in California that commenced a few days after we got home from Europe.  Secretly, he thought I was nuts, and was confused and amazed when all this travel actually happened.

For years, when I dreamed about travel, Scott would say, "And where are we getting the money for this?  Off your special money tree that we only have when you want to go on a trip?"

Now who's the dreamer?  Who has apartments picked out in several cites around the world?  The same guy who texted me last week, "I want to go to Singapore.  Right now."

That's why I love Scott.  I finally made him a dreamer and he finally made my dreams come true.


Anonymous said...

That Scott is one cool dude! him! and he and you make it all fun and exciting and at the same time accomplishing things with the kids!...never give up those travel plans Scott...those dreams...they all seem to come true!..make one of them to Miami! Keep those dreams and exciting times rolling. XO Tricia

The homestead said...

So your kids started out Valentines day on a sugar high. Great idea.

Jennie said...

I am glad you guys had a great Valentine's Day. Doughnuts. Yum!

Jennie said...

I am glad you guys had a great Valentine's Day. Doughnuts. Yum!