Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Question for Ya

My friend/mentor/old babysitter who wrote this wonderful book has a question for women. As she thinks about subject matter for her next book, DeAnne wonders what concerns are most pressing for women and/or mothers today. What do you worry about for yourself and your children and families? What problems are you trying to solve in your head right now? What do you struggle with? What would you like answers for? There are a lot of strong emotions behind the answers.

Here's the question: What are the three biggest concerns you have as a woman/mother? Leave a comment. Thanks!


Michelle said...

I gave you my answer already. And you were right. B is a yellow. See you Sat!

Liza said...

Hey there! I would be honored to be added to your blog! Thanks for visiting. May I add you as well? As for my questions, I feel I have too many to post! :) I will probably get the shallow award for this one, BUT I am pretty sure "What am I making for dinner?" tops my question list most often. I am sure there is a philosophy behind the pressure I feel to make dinner memorable...daily. :)

Queen Elizabeth said...

1-Trying to help my children become kind, self-sufficient, faithful - for the rest of their lives.
2-Trying to prepare for a rainy day - financially, food storage, mentally.
3-Trying to keep myself happy (= happy family) through healthy living (yes, dreaded exercise) and mental stimulation.

You can pay me later ;)

Jennie said...

Mine are pretty basic. If I put more thought in to it, I could probably come up with something more profound.

Izzy is kind of in fun land right now. She is great. Potty training is over, so she is off my radar for a bit.

Collin - learning to read and navigating social situations
Jackson - dealing with and teaching (so he actually does it) behavior skills
Alexis - navigating the upcoming teen years. Hopefully she is prepared.

SSWS said...

I'd have to agree with Liz - mine are pretty much the same

1 - Teaching my children to navigate life...and doing it myself!

2 - Being prepared for anything...keeping our family financially, spiritually, temporally self-sufficient.

3 - Finding Joy everyday in the journey and not look for a "destination."

...hope Liz is alright with plagerism.

Melinda Lomax & Fam said...

You made me think! I would say my biggest question is "Am I doing it right? Are my decisions about how I divide up my time and energy between Heavenly Father, my husband, my kids, and myself the best ones? Will I look back and wish I'd divided it differently when my children are grown?

Anonymous said...

My are pretty similar as well.

1. That we will all stay safe and well.

2. That my daughter can grow up happy, well-adjusted and a contributing person.

3. That what I am doing every day is meaningful and helpful instead of obscure, selfish or meaningingless.

Emily said...

Building a happy and supportive family so that no matter what life throws at any one of us. We get through it together, happy and for the better. Tell your friend a simple fail proof how to guide will do.

The homestead said...

Are my children fulfilled- socially,emotionally, educationally, spiritually? Am I meeting the needs of each of my children's current issues? Am I spending enough time spiritually feeding myself?