Thursday, July 21, 2016

I just wanted everyone to know how to write a letter to Golda without having to mail it.  If you email, she can get the email on Wednesdays.  But if you send an electronic letter through, they will print it out at the MTC and deliver it to her that day in her classroom.

Go to

On the right-hand side, select MTC- FREE as the mission you want to write to (Not Hong Kong), and select "Write a letter."  I beg you not to send cookies or any other care packages.  They are SO overpriced!!!!  There are other companies that can do that MUCH cheaper.

Then you'll see an "envelope" on the screen. Enter your "return address" and Golda's address.  Her unit number is 12, her mission code is CHN-HK and her departure date is August 30.

Then you just type in your note and click "send letter."  That's it, and she can get it the same day.  It sounds complicated when I explain it, but it's not.  Try it!

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