Saturday, October 21, 2017

Fall Break

We didn’t plan anything big for fall break. We’ve been just focused on the Dopp cruise, so anything after that we didn’t give much thought. As it got closer, I realized that we had virtually no ballet of any kind over spring break. I still have the store and Scott still has work, and there are scattered Nutcracker and stuff, but we managed to do an overnighted all together at Grandma and Grandpa’s cozy and comfy cabin. Scott went up early in the day with the little kids and Freestone and fished with Nikki and Grandma and Grandpa. I went up later with the girls. We loved every moment in the beautiful, peaceful Cub River Canyon. Friday morning, we lazed about and just relaxed with each other. I had to be home for the store and Araceli and Freestone’s fight scene rehearsal, so I took them and Xanthe and Vilina and again left Scott with the little two. By the time he got home late Friday, we had left for Park City. I had to persuade the kids a little bit, but it was fun. We shopped a little and relaxed a lot. It was a beautiful drive. Freestone and I stayed up late, and we all woke up to snow.

Breakfast at Starbucks, and we were on our way home. On the freeway, we passed Scott, Ptolemy and Tizzy going up to Park City. We laugh that people might think we’re divorced. It’s so much easier dividing everyone up so everyone can do something they like. Scott called me and said, “Where’s your alimony check?” Har har. Now I’m at the music store, and I’ll take the four big kids to the ballet tonight while Scott is relaxing in Park City with the little kids. Tomorrow we’ll meet up at Escher’s baby blessing in Salt Lake. I’ll be happy to see Scott and the kids. We’ve had a good mix of relaxation and fun, and we needed it.

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