Sunday, July 8, 2018

Scott's Western Tour with the Girls

 These pictures are all out of order, but the same day I left with Freestone for Cincinnati, Scott picked up Araceli, Sofia and Irene in Park City and drove them to Vegas via Bryce Canyon, where they stated one night, and Zion where they did a big hike. He planned a fun trip for them and they had a great time. We love showing friends all the treasures there are to experience here.

 Scott was in Vegas and I was in Ohio. So far apart!

 Right after we left, Ayla Scottie was born. I can't believe we missed it. it.Congratulati, Trajan and Micaela! She is a perfect new person, and I can't wait to see, as my mom says, "Who's in there!"

 On our group chat with Sofia's parents and Irene's parents, we we're laughing about how the girls went all the way to Las Vegas to get these Portuguese pastries when they live on the Portuguese border.

 Someone sent this picture of Scott getting a perm in the '70's. What a kid
Scott taking a five minute nap before the drive home. ho was great to take the girls on this trip. I know he enjoyed it and had some nice down time, but he also works really hard to create good experiences for everyone, and we appreciate it!

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