Sunday, August 19, 2012

Ballet Babies

 If you host a party, you're going to want to arrange for this woman to bring all the food.  She will whisk it all in from her immaculately clean car and it will all be perfect and delicious.  How can I convince her to cater all my events...and everyday meals...

 Here are two of the most beautiful pregnant dance teachers the world has ever seen, Kenzie and Marianne.  We combined a little baby shower for them with the ballet teacher meeting, added the gourmet spread of food that Julie brought in, and had a wonderful evening.  I had to take pictures of all the food because Julie is a professional-level chef.  If she had a food truck, I would camp outside of it.  For my part, I made the ice water.  It was delicious and very cold, if I do say so myself. 

 When all the gifts had been opened, Marianne was reminded of the Kaysville Theater blip they show before the movie, where one guy spills his popcorn and drink and steps in gum and the other guy cleans up after himself.  Marianne's gifts were strewn about, while Kenzie's pile was neatly lined up and organized, clothes folded in their bags.  Shall we analyze their personalities?? 
Here's one personality we dearly love, Clytie Adams.  I hope Tziporah gets a chance to be in her class in a few years.  I remember well all the hours I spent under Clytie's tutelage, and how diligently she worked trying to turn me into a thing of beauty.  I was telling Sarah a funny story about Clytie the other day.  When I was maybe seven or eight, I had pretended to fall down the stairs and I said my arm was hurt.  I put an Ace bandage around my arm just before ballet so I could get maximum sympathy for my "injury."  I was doing my thing, bending my arm to place my fingers like birdies on my shoulder, albeit with some difficulty, given the bulkiness of the Ace bandage.  Finally, Clytie stopped the music and spoke generally to the whole class, saying, "Now, if anyone has a fake bandage on their arm, they may feel free to take it off now."  She didn't want to single me out, so she cast her eyes around the room.  So did I, looking for any girl who might have a fake injury, unlike mine, because mine was real.  Do you see what Clytie was up against with me?  I doggedly finished the class with my genuine arm injury, but I never tried to pull that act again. I learned my lesson.  Clytie could be teaching paper cup stacking or how to use a mop and she would end up with students who are poised, beautiful, polite, talented and possess a deep and abiding love of artistic beauty in their hearts.  I don't know how she does it, but I'm glad she does, and I'm thrilled to be along for the ride.


Shane and Kenzie said...

Love the story from your childhood!
Thank you so much Circe for putting together a shower for both Marianne and me (and our little babies). You do everything with such grace, and the party was simply fabulous! (especially that ice water!)

C and MC said...

That ice water was THE COLDEST I have ever had. Can't say enough about it. :) But really, thank you and Julie and everyone who came SO SO much. What a fun time to get together and spend more time with such amazing people. You just make people feel comfortable in your home.

Kristi said...

You are such a party planner/hostess. Looks like a fun party, and congrats on serving such cold water. Nothing can ruin a party like warm water. ugh. ;)