Thursday, August 16, 2012

Buzzes and Buzzkills

Given the sad state of Ptolemy's hair post-Xanthe, we finally buzzed it.  I can't say that I love it, but it is entertaining how silly he looks.  We're going to put glasses on him so he can look just like Dad.  On the plus side, it's a cheap haircut, since Scott has clippers.  Never a dull moment here.

Speaking of which, I ran out of gas on Crestwood Road yesterday.  I always wondered how long I could drive on empty, and if my car would start freaking out if it really was out of gas.  The answers to those questions are: two days and no.  Lights didn't blink, things didn't ding, the car just stopped.  I coasted to the stop sign at the bottom of the hill and turned on my hazard lights.  Buzzkill, huh?  Thank heavens Ari was with me because I was only a couple of blocks from the shop.  I sent her with the cello my customer was coming to pick up, while I sat in the car with the babies and pondered my next move,  which was calling my dad, since Scott was in court.

While Dad was busy coming to my rescue, a dentist from the building I was stranded in front of came and put gas in the car from his lawnmower stash.  Still, the car wouldn't turn over.  Tziporah was sweaty and Ptolemy was anxious.  He kept shouting, "I needa go home now!  Take me home now!"  I thought I could use our situation as a learning moment for Ptolemy, so I suggested that we say a prayer that our car would start.  In church when people try this, their children never go ballistic and scream, "NOOOOOOOOOO!  No!  We don't needa say a prayer!  Nooooooooooo!"  So we didn't, because it just seemed like shouting a prayer over Ptolemy's adamant refusals would be weird.  So no teaching moments here.  Just hot, sweaty kids in a car that's out of gas a block from our destination because I am an idiot.

At last, a dear neighbor of mine stopped and pushed my car around the corner and out of traffic, and then it started, just in time for my sister-in-law Emily to spot me and stop, and for my dad to come to the rescue, and for Ari to return from the shop.  All's well that ends well.

And that's the buzz for today.


Anonymous said...

Cute Buzz!..but it doesn't look like little Ptolemy!...Cute, though!....and never a dull moment around your house or car!...glad it all turned out aok! Now you know how long you can drive on empty!...Dad always said never go home with a tank below half full because you never know when you might have an emergency and need gas in the car...I am sure your dad has told you that story.....You have a lot of good people to the rescue!..xo Tricia

C and MC said...

Ah, the buzz. I love it. I thought I didn't want Cam's hair buzzed so I paid too much to have Cookie Cutters cut it. It was awful. I kept thinking it would grow out, it didn't. So two weeks later we buzzed it and it's much much better. Lesson learned.

Nate said...

Your prayer saga made me laugh. That is real life!

sws said...

I had no idea this happened along with all the rest of the happenings - What a day!! My dad always said, "you'll have plenty of time to get gas when you run out...." You should have called I drive up Crestwood at least 20 times a day!

Michelle said...

Yep, never a dull moment! Tolly is cute no matter what!

Jennie said...

Love the buzz. So cute! :) I'm surprised I didn't pass you on Crestwood. These days I'm making a gazillion trips up and down the hill. Put us on your "run out of gas" call list. We'll be glad to come to the rescue.

laurel said...

I am sorry. We had a gas incident this summer too. They stink. Ptolomy cracks me up. In a way, his yelling was a prayer. Look at it that way. At least, I bet Heavenly Father heard him and knew you were in trouble.

Marilyn said...

Hey, I think you should send your prayer story into the Friend. that is one that most of us could relate to.