Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Wild Ride

My friend Marianne pointed out that I always have a freak-out post about school ending, and then later, a sad post about school starting.  Well, here's the latter.  We have had the best summer ever.  Even though it was extended through Labor Day, the end has come so fast!  I know we had fun; I have our summer list to prove it, and lots of great memories.  I know we relaxed, we skipped a bunch of practicing but we got a lot done, we were allowed to watch TV but we did our chores, we slept in and we got up at dawn, we traveled and saw things, and we stayed home and did nothing.  So we did it all.

What made it all so fun was that we were accountable only to our whims.  Now, the big, rusty engine of academic responsibility is slowly revving up, and it's a sound nobody wants to hear.  Like I said before, I want to take the whole family and run away, but we can't.  We just have to recalibrate and know that our together time will take on new forms.  Instead of being together at the pool or in the car for long stretches, we will bond over reading logs and worksheets, practice time and homework.  I remember, vaguely, that I loved all this stuff before summer came and turned me to mush.

I'm always saying, "This is the perfect time in our lives," and I guess it's always true.  But now, this school year is going to be so exciting and so fun.  The school year has a lot to live up to, having to follow the Best Summer Ever.  With Golda going to Dear Old Davis High, Ruby starting a big honors program, three cute little kids at school right around the corner, and Ptolemy and Tziporah home to be my little pals, I just don't see how it could get any better.  It will, I know, because it always does, but I'm loving this moment in time.  This hazy, lazy moment in time and the bright, new beginning of the school year to follow.  Children, start your engines!  It's going to be a wild ride.


The homestead said...

I love your new family pictures!

Anonymous said...

Love this picture!...looks like the "Old Farm!." Please send one!.xo Tricia