Friday, August 17, 2012

Rose Parade Recital

Well, I am humbled and a little bit teary-eyed over the generosity of our friends, family and neighbors. We had a garden recital in our front yard at dusk to raise money for Golda's Rose Parade trip.  Each student has to contribute $800.00, plus we are expected to help the "band family" raise an additional hundred thousand or so through fundraisers.  We thought Golda could do this one recital and earn a portion of her trip money, and Scott and I would pay the rest, even though we have gone broke this summer supporting all the other band fundraisers!  

We had fun setting up for a Davis High-themed recital in the front yard.  It was the perfect summer evening, and I tried to just listen and enjoy the girls' pieces.  They did wonderfully.  I just love to listen to them play, and it was fun to see and visit with everyone.  For the last piece, Golda played the Davis High fight song.  Quite a few of us joined in on the last D!...H!...S!"

After the guests filtered out and Scott cleaned up and headed to Park City with his brothers, and Golda's next party started in our back yard with all the wardies, I put the littles down and counted the contributions.  And that's when I got teary-eyed and humbled.  We had gotten generous contributions from friends and neighbors who couldn't come, even before the event.  And after...well, thank you, everyone.  It's stunning to be part of a community who rallies for each little cause and loves each little child we're all collectively trying to raise up.  It's inspiring, and makes me want to be a better person, like the people around me.

 The kids and Sinatra the cat lounging about before the recital.
 Two proud parents, Winifred, Nancy's mom and Scott, you know him.
 Emi and Nate, thank you!
 Josh and Emily's family, our favorite neighbors!
 Thanks for printing the programs, Scott.
 Guests arriving
 Little Nancy, Ruby's student.  She is so smart and talented!

 This counted as Ruby's Book 4 recital, which Roy has been asking her to have for awhile.  I love the guitar repertoire.  I could listen to Ruby all day.
 Dear Golda, I am sorry, but it is way too much fun to listen to you play the flute.  You can't quit!  
I know you don't really want to, deep in your melodious heart.

 We love Sister Gammon
 How does Kenzie look this fabulous five months pregnant? Five MONTHS!
 Jeff and Richelle and their little athletes.  I was joking that this could be their Christmas card picture.  They always seem to be color-coordinated!  Jeff, that shirt has a little too much maroon in it for this picture, though.
 Since Ruby was busy tonight and couldn't babysit these cute kids, they came to the recital!
 The Wardies
 Beth and Gayle above and Coco and Ann below.  Beautiful women, my heavens!

 One of our biggest supporters.  I think she had five other things going on tonight, but she is a die-hard friend and sister.
Dear Old Davis High School...


Jennie said...

Thanks for letting us sneak in. We're sorry we were late - soccer and all. The girls were wonderful. They are both so beautiful and talented. BTW, G, I loved your skirt. So Cute. And Rubes... you always amaze me with your effortless grace. You both played beautifully. G, I hope you are close to your $ goal. The trip will be amazing.

Shane and Kenzie said...

What a beautiful concert it was! I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it, and could have listened for hours on end. I feel so proud of Golda for finding a wonderful way to raise money for the trip truly have amazing children!
Thank you for making me feel so good about myself too Circe! I think you caught me at a great angle in the picture ;) Can't wait for tomorrow!

Nate said...

Thank you so much for inviting us! It was relaxing and wonderful to listen to Golda's flute and Ruby's classical guitar on a beautiful summer night. I loved hearing Ruby's student as well:)

Anonymous said...

Glad the evening turned out to be such a success, was with you in thought! Your yard and decorating looked lovely, great pictures too. XO Tricia

Catherine said...

What a wonderful opportunity for friends to gather together, hear beautiful music and support such an awesome cause!