Saturday, July 5, 2008

The 4th of July

Oh, beautiful for patriot dream
That sees beyond the years
Thine alabaster cities gleam,
Undimmed by human tears.

The Fourth of July is such a perfect way to remember that we live in a land of beauty and bounty. From the Rotary Club breakfast to the K-town parade, the family BBQ to the fireworks at the high school, there are ample opportunities to be reminded that we have been blessed until our cups are overflowing.

One of the best parts of the day is after the parade, when the water floats come by, Main Street businesses turn their hoses on and we all load up our water guns, buckets and cups to drench our neighbors. My kids each had a squirt bottle. That was enough to soak Daddy, Bill and all the uncles in the vicinity. If your town doesn't endorse a city-wide water fight every summer, you're in the wrong place. It doesn't get any better than a cold bucket of water down your back, delivered by a 9-year-old you've never seen before. On the downside, I think Ari took out more eyes than any other kid before I could get it through to her that we don't go for people's faces.

We added a new twist to the usual festivities: a three-hour ER visit after Xanthe got her fingers caught in the door at Nikki and Clint's BBQ. One finger swelled up like a sausage and her nail turned purple. So Scott and X had some bonding time at the hospital while the rest of us had a great time at Nikki's, playing in the water and eating good food. Xanthe came back with a cute pink splint and a ravenous appetite. Poor little thing!

We always go to fireworks with my dad, always to the same spot. My dad is fun at fireworks because he says things like, "What if we were just part of a big, cosmic fireworks show and the Big Bang was just one firework and we were floating on one of those sparks." Another one was, "What if we had to go to a fireworks show every night for the rest of our lives?" He's always thinking. He also taught the kids how to figure out how far away the explosions are by counting the time between the light and the sound. You can't be around my dad without learning something.

One final thought for one of my favorite holidays...

My native country, thee,
Land of the noble free, thy name I love.
I love thy rocks and rills, thy woods and templed hills.
My heart with rapture fills
Like that above.

Aren't we blessed and fortunate to be here.


love.boxes said...

I'm sorry X got an owie. I do think your kids are simply amazing and I can't wait for shrimp tonight! I'd love to ride along with you all. :)

The Motherboard said...

By the looks of your photos... we were sitting right by you! Too fun!

Sorry about your babies ouchie... but she has a pretty pink bandage-- and my kids think they are magic!

Jennie said...

X, we are so sorry about your little hand. We hope you are feeling better!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great 4th...except for Xanthe's poor fingers. Hope she is doing ok now. I love the 4th of July as well. It was so amazing to us to be holding Em listening to the Star Spangled Banner in America on July 4th. She could be on a farm or small city in central China and never see this. I would love to see you Tuesday:)

Paige said...

Looks like someone is addicted to the hair blogs too! Love all the bows mixed in.

Erin said...

Oh Xanthe... Libby says, "So sad about your little fingers!" Hope they get better fast. Independence Day is just crazy fun, isn't it? We are heading to Powell. I will call you when we return.

Merrill Family said...

Looks like you had a great day. I didn't even notice Xanthe's poor little fingers on Sunday. Those ER visits on weekends and holidays are the BEST, way to go. Your kids look so cute in the pictures. Star looks freshly groomed and dressed for the occasion as well.

Michelle said...

Oooooooh! I miss you guys! We are home again, home again and that is good but I think Utah will always be home. Not to mention it was 111 freaking degrees today! Could have sworn we took a wrong turn and ended up in Arizona! I had so much fun the other night! You guys are just the best and I love spending any time I can with you! I miss a good ktown 4th!

Anonymous said...

Thanks again for coming to play. Em loved it! Here are a few adoption books. They were recommended by I haven't read them.
A Love Like No Other and An Empty Lap by Jill Smolowe. The Lost Daughters of China by Karen Evans. China Ghosts by Jeff Gamage. What were the book titles about life in China you were telling me about the other day? I think one was The Color of the Mountain? Hope Xanthe's finger is better!