Not sure how this happened, but there was a room makeover in our laundry room this week. It started with a broken washer and dryer. While the room was empty, waiting for new appliances, I thought about repainting the tired old yellow color of the room. I had the paint deck in my car, and I started asking opinions on the way to dance classes. Suddenly, the boring drives became highly animated discussions about light refraction and complimentary colors. Each short drive yielded more progress toward the makeover vision. Truly, we have a houseful of Vern Yip disciples in the making. Golda, Ruby and Lexie chose the color of the washer and dryer, after Scott laid out the choices as "BYU Blue or Utah Red." (Do you think he wanted the red?) The girls also came up with the design plan of the room and the wall colors. White for the base coat and crimson, tangerine, green and turquoise for the stripes. My job was to buy the paint. Ari and Free put in a little time on the stripes, and Coco accessorized with storage containers. Organizing is her calling in life. As soon as I said "organize the laundry room," she showed up with a car full of bins and boxes.
I love how the room turned out! The design starlets had flames of creativity shooting out of their heads all week. It was fun to watch them go and to see the results of their colorful minds. Well executed, girls! In a few years, I'll be able to say I knew you "when!"
Looks fabulous! Love the shot of you painting with the baby - talk about multi-tasking!
Wow What a room! You have a lot of good helpers. I still can't believe what you are able to do with a new baby!
I am very impressed! I would love to do laundry in there!
How many times can I express how amazing you are? I'm glad to see a picture of you in there with the mix, showing off some serious multi-tasking. The room is awesome, I love it. I also LOVE teaching your girls. They are so kind and respectful.
Looks fantastic!! What a happy place....such a great idea for a laundry room! Unbelievable outcome. I can barely let E pull out the markers without getting stressed. You set a new standard for believing in our kids.
AMAZING! Jennie is going to be so jealous when she sees what you had her kids help create. You are officially the cool mom.
I LOVE it!!
How do you do it?! I am so impressed with the fun projects you have going on all the time.
Of course you can link to my blog. Your girls understand more than most people their age about me STILL being pregnant and teaching. They come in surprised to see me each week. Well, no more. I will be induced Monday night if he doesn't show his face before then.
It looks so good. I am also so jealous of your new washer and dryer. I am secretly trying to break my old ones so I can get new ones like that.
As if you didn't have enough to do! I guess all your extra house guests were free labor. It looks so cute! Tell your mom I love the bins!
Totally fun. So, was Ptolemy's outfit white before or after you picked up that paint roller?
WOW!!! I am speechless! Love it!
looks great! Now I know who to call when I need some painting done:) Only you would be painting a room while holding a newborn!!! That's why you're super mom!
It turned out fabulously! Like Sarah said.. you take nesting to a whole new level!!
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