A month ago, my mom didn't know how to text message. Now she's all over it. The interesting thing is, when someone's thoughts are pared down to the length of a tweet, you see their personality distilled. My mom's body of work, in English teacher terms, i.e. the text messages she's sent me this week, give an idea of her personality.
-I just went to a big Halloween store. Really wanted to be snow white but didn't find my size. nothing for your party.
-I'm going to b a harlequin. done with ugly scary cause I have enough of that w/o a costume. Already have the hat.
-What r u going to be? What about the kids? Not too soon to become obsessed.
-FYI: 1 o'clock on npr is "what babies think."
-Collin walking home. Xanthe still asleep.
-Oh goodie! we'll stay till 5:30. Traj is here.
-I just ordered you 2 books cheap but to the point I think.
-I can take g. Abe didn't wake up but e is about to call for x. (huh?)
You don't notice it when you're receiving one message at a time, but read between the lines and you'll see why everyone likes my mom so much. She's always researching books we might like, driving the kids to lessons, having one or two or ten little popsicle-mongers at her house, getting involved in stuff we like, coming up with solutions to my myriad parenting dilemmas. We are so lucky to have Coco and Bill next door! And so glad they finally learned how to text! LOL...
Well, she is ahead of me! You guys have such a great thing going with Coco and Bill next door!
What is she talking about ugly scary without a costume? As if! She's beautiful.
Agreed! Only good things come from Coco next door!
So nice to have such a great mom so close! Thanks for taking Em this week. She had fun:)
she is so much fun!
Your mom is great. I love the orange in the picture. I can't wait for Halloween. Julia loved your gift! It was so fun to stop by and see you. Have a great day!
That is pretty cool. I have no idea how to text.
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