Sunday, September 12, 2010

Four for Four and Grateful!

The Saturday after Labor Day is always Nutcracker auditions, one of the most thrilling days of the year, fraught with every emotion imaginable.  Golda was first, being in the taller group.  It was a huge group, 87 dancers, and I saw a lot of girls walk out afterward, shaking their heads.  Others, with a glance at their result paper, looked relieved and hurried to find their moms in the crowd.  There were so many disappointed faces, that the girls who did get parts kept their joy low-key, which struck me as extremely gracious.  I was doubly nervous because Golda and my niece Lexie were both auditioning.  They finally came out, having looked at their papers together at the same time.  It was good news.  Thankfully, I thought, "That's two down, two to go," thinking of Ruby and Ari.   

I was lucky enough to teach one of the audition dances, so I was in the try-outs with Ari when Ruby came out into the alley from her audition.  I wanted her to have someone there to see her (Scott was at the Utah game), so Golda and Lexie waited.  I slipped out of my audition long enough to see the three "Siskins" (sisters/cousins) standing in the alley.  More good news.  Ruby got a part!  With three down and one to go, I was more nervous than ever.  Araceli, at eight years old, was up against a lot of older girls.  This is her first year to try out, and she skipped the shortest group because of her height.  Although she seemed to be doing well and looked adorable in her perfect bun and the ribbon Golda chose for her, I kept thinking how devastating it would be for her to be left out.  As the third sister, being left behind is a familiar feeling.   Ari is never old enough or big enough or advanced enough to be "one of the big kids."

When the result papers arrived,  I was in a unique position as a teacher to see Ari's results and reaction first.  I saw "congratulations" and sagged with relief!  Golda and Ruby were waiting anxiously in the alley to celebrate with Ari, and she ran to them. Is there a sweeter moment sisters could share?  Ruby has been worried about Ari not making Nutcracker since last year.  In the car on the way down, Golda had told Ari, "I want you to remember that you're a really good dancer and you can do all this stuff.  Just smile and point your toes."  Ari said, "OK.  I might get a Clara callback!"  Confidence?  Not a problem for this eight-year-old.  :)

At home, Ari ran in the house and shouted, "I made it!  I made Nutcracker!"  Freestone put it all in perspective for us when he replied, "I have to go see that again?"  He liked the idea of celebrating, though, so we went to Wendy's with Uncle Trajan.  But the real party was later at Yogo Togo with all four Nutcracker girls and the two moms who are grateful to share this journey with them, Jennie and me.  The frozen yogurt was good, but the real treat was seeing all the girls talk about something they love, dance.  They are so fortunate to have this opportunity.  Their childhood recollections will be made up of the thrill of days like this.  It's a rare and wonderful thing to be a part of, and we feel so lucky.


Michelle said...

I am so relieved! I was stressed and we weren't even involved this year! Please, please, please remind me at lunch when we need to get our numbers to you for tickets. Although Free's comment totally made me laugh, I really do want to see it again! Oh, did Ellen make it?

Jenny said...

YES! Now I have four stars I can cheer for during my girls afternoon out. We look forward to going to the nutcracker every year with all of the girls in my side of the family. It makes it even more fun to have someone I know in it and having 4 someones takes the cake!!

Congratulations girls! I can't wait!

Anonymous said...

Yes, yes, yes!!!!!...I am so thrilled all four girls made it...congratulations to all of them, what a wonderful experience as sisters and cousin. I was in tears waiting to see if Ari made it as I scrolled down...and with a sigh of relief I cheered, all of them made it!!...I am only sorry I will not be here to see their performance this year but I can imagine it as it happens..congratulations girls, I know you will do a wonderful job. Proud of you!. Love, Tricia

Sandy W. said...

Circe - I feel super silly and quite awkward hijacking your blog, so let me apologize up front. (Congrats to your girls on their dance accomplishments!) I have met you a few times - once at our adoption agency's visit by Judy Wu and again at the Kaysville library. And I've met Scott before because I used to practice law. Does that ring a bell? Any-who, at the end of April we brought home our 4 yr old daughter from China, and now I am looking to connect with others in this neck-of-the-woods who have little ones from China. It seemed from your previous blog posts that you might just know a few folks in my position. :) Can you help? Thanks, Sandy Weeks (

PS. I so enjoy reading your blog!

Trajan said...

This was the most dramatic post ever.

I'm not surprised that it made Tricia cry.

Jennie said...

What great pictures. You'll have to e-mail me the ones of Lex. Thanks for taking them. Hopefully there will more good news for them on Tues. at the meeting. :)

Queen Elizabeth said...

Congrats to all!

Taylor Family said...

Congrats!!! That is so exciting.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to all four girls! That is great. I love Ari's confidence.

SSWS said...

hooray! Congratulations to all the Dopp girls! I can't wait to see it...I'm with Michelle, let us know when the tickets are for sale.

laurel said...

Congrats!!!!! Just remember you know me when you are all famous!

Maria said...

Congratulations! I can't wait to see all of them! Are there 2 casts or only 1?

Kristi said...

It was so fun to see you the alley! I DO meet great people in the alley!

So happy for all the Dopp ballerinas. We'll look forward to seeing them in the Nutcracker this year. :)